Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?

preferably objects, but i%26#039;ll take anything

thanks! :)
What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?
alot of electronics!

like the macbook air....looks great, but there are problems!

alot of valuable things always seem perfect, but they arent at all! just think of some valuable things! do they seem perfect? good, then you probably have one, because there are very little things that are perfect!
What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?
The things you make me realize, that I do not consider anything to be perfect.
Reply:normal: everyone and everything trys to seem perfect but realy isn%26#039;t, so it is normal but if you want an object take food, the Walfhouse clames to have the best hash browns and every one says there perfect but it never is because it can always be better. Or if you shoot a basket in a basket ball and they all say it was a perfect shot, it realy wasn%26#039;t because it could be better.
Reply:There is nothing that is perfect. And I can%26#039;t think of any really objects that seem perfect but isn%26#039;t really because in reality there is nothing that is 100% perfect... in saying that I meant there is always room for improvement. Though an object that comes to mind that a lot of people seem to think is perfect and correct is the bible. The reason I say it isn%26#039;t perfect is because humans, who make mistake and are by no means perfect, have reinterpreted it and rewrote it so many times that there is no way that it can be perfect any more even if at one time it was. This is just my opinion and should be left at that because I don%26#039;t mean to offend anyone by saying this.
Reply:Cake! It looks so yummy, but you take a bite of it and - ugh... Raspberry. YECH!
Reply:Marriage :-D
Reply:The mere thought that something you%26#039;ve seen is perfect is an imperfect thought in itself.Nothing man has ever set eyes upon,let alone created, can be give the title of %26quot;perfect%26quot;.
Reply:Any object that we desire can seem perfect in our eyes... until we posses it. A few examples... A beggar dreams of riches but if he were given an infinite amount of money would he truly be happy?? It is the curse of humanity to desire things, yet once we have the object of our desire we often find it not exactly as we expected.

But if all humanity were given each and every one of the desires then we would be a very unhappy and unsatisfied world. Not too mention that it would be highly conflicting, ie/ a terrorist wants the whole world destroyed but a kind and wonderful person wants the whole world to live in peace.. there we have a major confliction. Love can seem very perfect...

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