Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is divorce so commonplace nowadays that...?

to be happily maried is %26quot;strange%26quot; or suspicious?
Is divorce so commonplace nowadays that...?
only in western nations and those nations heavily influenced by the west.....where spirituality is a bought and sold commodity..where morality is negotiable and love is followed by a price tag....
Is divorce so commonplace nowadays that...?
no, i don%26#039;t think so. I am married, and have been married for 9 years. We have had ups and downs but right now we would say we are happily married. So, I guess it depends on when you ask. I don%26#039;t think it is strange for someone to be happily married.
Reply:Yes..During the earlier years of your marriage. I doubted friends who were really happy for you when they see your marriage seemingly working out. As most of them were married for a long time and mostly had gone bitter with their relationships with spouse. So I may consider that some of them could have been betting of how long other marriages would lasts. As divorce or separation finally eventually comes more frequently than living happily ever after.
Reply:Not at all. Divorce is actually an advancement of civilization, not a deterioration of it. It is a way to allow people to go their separate ways if their marriage has reached the breaking point, rather than continuing to live a facade--a lie. In some cases a divorce is a very good thing, such as when someone abuses his spouse and/or children. In other cases it%26#039;s a %26quot;Mulligan%26quot; (do-over) for people who got married for all the wrong reasons.

Divorce is an expensive and emotionally wrenching ordeal. People do not take going through one lightly. Thus, I am inclined to believe that in instances where two people go through the trouble, grief and expense of a divorce, that it was probably warranted and for the better.
Reply:No. Excessive number of divorces are the work of the devil.
Reply:i don%26#039;t know about %26quot;suspicious%26quot;. it IS possible that people who are divorced or young think it is strange. ALL marriages have their ups and downs -- it%26#039;s because marriage doesn%26#039;t come with a manual that married couples think they%26#039;ve failed. At year 5, the yelling starts. spouses start blaming each other for everything wrong, because that%26#039;s all they know TO do. The 5 year mark is when A LOT of couples divorce because they %26quot;just don%26#039;t get along anymore.%26quot; That%26#039;s just stress and a lack of communication setting in.

What women don%26#039;t know, is that men act the way they do because they haven%26#039;t got a clue. You ask him what he%26#039;s thinking, and he says %26#039;nothing%26#039;? He means it. They mentally think %26quot;food, sports, work, sex%26quot; and when they aren%26#039;t thinking about any of them, they say %26#039;nothing%26#039;. And they don%26#039;t %26#039;not talk to you%26#039; on purpose either... women just THINK they do. By their very nature, men talk to each other in short sentences, and shut up when they%26#039;re through. They tend to talk in 3 to 12 words,with 12 being maximum

For example, here are 2 men talking:

Hey Bob, how%26#039;s it goin%26#039;?

Pretty good. Pretty good. You see that game last night?

Yeah -- can you BELIEVE that bottom inning grand slam?

Yeah, well I gotta go. See ya tomorrow.

Anyway, I%26#039;ve been married 31 years, but I DO think that couples these days might think of long marriages as strange.

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