Thursday, March 26, 2009

What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?

I am a half blind U.S. citizen and I am going to college for computer programming. The problem is that I am very limited on what I can do. I have done community service but it is not enough. I can%26#039;t drive so being a missionary is out of the question, I am broke so I can%26#039;t help the homeless, I just cannot find any one to help. I love life and really want to make a difference. such as stopping the rapes and murders of innocent people in africa and starving of innocent people around the world. This is driving me crazy and I want to help What can I Do

What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?
i like your goal but i don%26#039;t like your outlook. be more positive and do at least one random act of kindness a day. and you%26#039;ll make a difference might not be a gigantic one but a positive difference nonetheless.
What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?
Run for political office.
Reply:Perhaps not the whole world but definitely your corner of it.
Reply:join the peace cor
Reply:to quote Evan change the world by one act of random kindness at a time. Do little things to brighten other peoples day and they will go on to do things to uplift others and so forth.

The more you work to improve the world and people around you, the more opportunities you will get to do the greater things.
Reply:i appreciate that you want to help people.. however, if you%26#039;re going to make excuses for every situation, i gotta ask if your heart is really in it. you don%26#039;t have to do something grand to help people. you may have big goals, but you gotta go through the little ones before you can reach them. you can help some old lady walk across the street or with her groceries, or you can even comfort a friend. you can make a difference in someone%26#039;s life without having to go big. believe me, i wish for the same things you do. it%26#039;s not something that%26#039;s going to happen over night.. even if you were limitless.
Reply:You can write..... the pen is mightier than the sword....

Practice random acts of kindess...The ripples of one kind word or deed have an untold positive effect on humanity...The words you speak have a huge impact, even if its something as simple as a %26quot;hello%26quot; and a smile.You may make the day of someone who has less than you do.

You want to help? Volunteer. There is a great need for each and every one of us to make a difference, however small it might seem to us.
Reply:Well you are going to college. Computer programming is a good field, and you will be able to make good money, I imagine. Then you would be able to make significant contributions to organizations like UNICEF, FFL, and Kiva. You could also get a job working for some such non-profit. They all need people with computer skills, I%26#039;m sure.

So I think the future looks bright for you. If you are looking for something you can do now, I%26#039;m sure you could find something. Perhaps you could cut back a little bit to make small monthly donations to aid groups? Even small donations help. Also, perhaps you could research the products you buy and their impact on the world? This you could probably do over the internet. Do the clothes you buy contribute to exploitation of the poor, or do they help the economies of poor nations? Can you cut back on your meat consumption out of concern for the world food supply? Do you use florescent bulbs? Is the shampoo you use tested on animals? Of course these might seem like small steps in the big scheme of things, but they can still be empowering to take, especially if you aren%26#039;t able to go much further. As an Ammerican, your biggest impact on the world is likely through what you consume, so that can be the best place to start helping others.

You also might consider looking in to overseas volunteer work for people with impaired vision. I%26#039;m sure opportunities exist. If the mission work you have in mind requires you to drive, try finding other work (mission or not) which you can do. Teaching english in a developing country would be a good option.

Finally, you should look in to the online opportunities that are available. You won%26#039;t be able to stop rapes, but gives you a chance to feed the hungry and improve your vocabulary. A lot of groups like UNICEF have options for online activism. There you can do things like send letters to legislators to get them to increase aid, connect with others, hold fundraisers, etc. I greatly admire your desire to help others and wish you the best of luck!
Reply:Smile. It is infectious. Kindness and a warm smile are simple gestures that can make someone%26#039;s day better. You may not go down in history as a great humanitarian, but you will be remembered as a kind and caring soul.
Reply:Watch Pay It Forward. Maybe then you%26#039;ll get an idea! Good Luck!!

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