Thursday, March 26, 2009

What are your rights as a human BEING?

What are your rights, before government, before religion and before social regulations and restrictions? Do you have these rights?
What are your rights as a human BEING?
The only rights a human has are those given to them by society. Without society and these other groups, there are no rights.
What are your rights as a human BEING?
Ver gen said it best. We have abilities to dream, hope and love that are ours without permission. Rights are established by those who surround us and wield power.
Reply:Even if society didn%26#039;t exist, there are basics every decent human deserves.

We should have food, clothing %26amp; a clean, decent place to live, eat, bath %26amp; sleep in.

Even most animals have some kind of standards %26amp; code of conduct.

Therefore, Since humans are a high life form, Within reason, We should show WHY we deserve to be a high life form.
Reply:If you are asking the right of an individual in living in a community inside a independent state or in a state inside a nation having its own independent language, cultural, religious and social rituals,customs and developments that enforce various laws, rules and regulation on the life of an individual right from the birth till death in each and every move in the society which is very large and cannot be expressed in few lines over here! The food we buy, cook and eat, the home we live, the dress we buy and wear, the books we read, the religion and its ritual we follow, the village or town or city we live, the road we walk or drive, the school or college we study, the job we select and work, the business we choose and do, even the arts like music, dance, cinema, TV etc all that of media and associated work etc etc everything comes under social regulations and restrictions and all of them are inter related by social fabric with legal, moral and ethical conditionality woven for individual to accept, follow and practice in the interest of social balance and status for him or her to attain and achieve their aims in life!
Reply:Take everything out of the picture then you are the one who desides what rights you have.
Reply:Every human has the right to hope and dream.Along with the right to be happy,mad,sad,etc.Every human has the right to chose his/her own path.Even if you chose to abide by society%26#039;s rules,that is of your own doing.Evey human has the right to disagree with others.

Reply:the right to not have to suffer
Reply:You have the rights that your position in society allows. If you are wealthy or a leader you can claim more rights than the rest of the population. Although they say that %26quot;all men are born equal%26quot; or %26quot;the law is equal for all%26quot;, that is not applicable for all. With money and influence some can purchase more rights with impunity.
Reply:Rights are a man-made thing, a term created to define what you are entitled to in societal laws. So I guess before laws, you were entitled to everything you wanted, limited only by your reason, common sense, humanity, and morality.

No, I don%26#039;t have all of the %26quot;rights%26quot; that I would want. Endless list, but one example is to travel the world without restriction or being charged with trespass.
Reply:To claim our self.
Reply:To be in tune/connected with everything that exist in harmony, peace, mutuality, complementarity and equality as everything in this world reaches out to the other in giving and through it, it receives!
Reply:I am not sure if there are any unquestionable inalienable rights since different moral platforms lead to different ideas of what is right.

Most people however believe in the idea of live and let live.

If someone does you no harm, there should be no good reason to make their lives miserable, if ways can be found to satisfy your needs or desires without harming others.

Some believe there should be less emphasis on rights and more on responsibilities. If you believe you have a right to a happy healthy life you should feel obliged to make the lives of others healthier and happier.

Often your rights are determined by your environment. For example if the legal system is flawed towards injustice you have the right to use legal loopholes to counter injustice. E.g. if the law allows evil gangs to take the streets them good people should perhaps gang together and take back the streets.


Although I do not necessarily believe we have any rights as such, I would like to see basic human needs requred for basic human dignity provided by the state where possible.

E.g. I would like to see everyperson provided with enough money or resources to have basic health and comfort needs addressed. In a country as rich as Australia or the USA, basic dental, health, food, safety, and shelter should be provided free to all if not otherwise available. Likewise certain duties such as Taxes, Jury service or charity work might be asked in return from the state.

Companies or groups that get rich from the misery of others, (such as drug gangs, arms dealers, and poluting manufacturers) are morally repugnent, and people should be able to demand just compensation for the full affects of negative business practices.
Reply:Our rights from birth are unlienably life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Otherwise known by the 17 and 18th century phrase %26quot;individual sovereignty.%26quot;

To set this in law means every individual gets the same protection to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The signers of the Declaration of Independence did not invent %26quot;unalienable rights,%26quot; so such things were not invented by men. The signers merely recognized that such things existed and were in need of protection, for the good of every individual first, not for the %26quot;common good%26quot; first.

Take care of the individual, and the %26quot;common good%26quot; takes care of itself.
Reply:i don%26#039;t know about rights but responsibilities instead..i have the responsibility to take care of our mother live a good life for the honor all things made by the creator..i have the responsibility also to care for myself and family,to greet the creator each day as it begins,.to live in balance and peace...
Reply:None, Brutus, none.
Reply:I can say **** whenever the **** i want...except on Yahoo Awnsers.
Reply:I have every right but to create disharmony with our planet and place myself above others. No one can ever take these rights away from me, theoretically, but when they are internalized through the Machine in which I exist and struggle to survive off of.

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