Thursday, March 26, 2009

Could a person heal another person only through his or her presence?

Is this possible that the way a person is, could heal another person?
Could a person heal another person only through his or her presence?
Yes it is called the power of manifestation. The power to change things around them. Pagans and people who believe in the secret do this.
Could a person heal another person only through his or her presence?
I believe so, Yes.. But the Person being Healed has to Believe it is possible.. whole-heartedly.
Reply:There are people who can comfort you simply by their presence.

Perhaps, this is what you are asking?
Reply:ok...........isn%26#039;t it amazing that people actually believe this in the first place...and second,if someone is soooo compassionate to do this,how come you never hear of them going into hospitals etc.clearing out all the sickness?!?!?!...they never show up at the St.Judes hospital and heal all the kids.....never been to a burn center....but for some strange reason,they%26#039;re limited to healing one person?.....sorta like,ya notice you NEVER hear of a fortune teller winning the lottery? if anyone could,wouldn%26#039;t you think???????????
Reply:It%26#039;s possible, for those people who have strong life energy (or vibrations, inner energy, qi, reiki, aura?). Usually it would take some kind of intention to healing, but I guess it%26#039;s possible. But I would guess this type of person is very rare.
Reply:Yes and they might not know the effect their presence had.
Reply:Yes, some have exceptionally strong positive energy and fortitude in their beliefs. It is as empowering and healing.

Man underestimates the miracles created by kind words and a warm smile to a disillusioned or temporarily angst stricken individual. It is also to be remembered a harsh word from one we love cuts to the quick.

Being civil and courteous if not gushing with the milk of human kindness is the least of all kindnesses we can accord to our fellow man. and meditation have both covered zis part...and it is transmitted trought a kind ov energi which people think is telepathy..n i bilive it is...................
Reply:%26quot;The Path of Self-Transformation,%26quot; Mark Prophet,

%26quot;Harmony and Health,%26quot; O. M. Aivanhov,

%26quot;Psychoenergetic Science,%26quot; Dr. William A. Tiller, and offer insight into the resonance process by which Light of God flows through the healing instrument or %26quot;biocup.%26quot; The capacity of the healer may be %26quot;1 liter%26quot; and when the Light fills the healer, and is resonantly imparted to those with soulfield attunement (%26quot;faith,%26quot; and e.g. %26quot;The Field,%26quot; Lynne McTaggart and %26quot;Biophotons,%26quot; Drs. Chang and Popp), the selfless, Godly healer%26#039;s %26quot;1 liter%26quot; capacity expands as well, e.g. to %26quot;1.1 liters.%26quot;

An excellent series of examples of a modern Healer who demonstrated this is given in %26quot;Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer,%26quot; well-written, by Yvonne von Fettweis.

Another good series of examples is given in %26quot;Autobiography of a Yogi,%26quot; Yogananda.
Reply:In a way yes. Some, really very few but still some, are so grounded in Reality %26amp; clear thinking that anyone in their presence will be shifted to stand, at least temporarily, in what is real also. In doing so they become healed %26amp; actually are healing themselves. Change your mind %26amp; you change your world.

Reply:Yes, very much so.

We all have the ability to heal others but not necessarily in an obvious way - i.e. heal physical illness.

Just someone taking time out to show another person they care or express love towards them can have a very positive effect on someone who is suffering. A little kindness shown can really raise the spirit of a person and encourage them to find inner strength to heal themselves.

People who practice healing send out subtle energy vibrations through their hands that can actually be felt by the person %26#039;receiving%26#039;. It is now an acknowledged form of alternative therapy and is listed in the NHS Directory of Complimentary and Alternative Therapys.

Some more forward thinking NHS Hospitals do use this form of alternative therapy and have found it beneficial to patients even if the reasons aren%26#039;t fully understood.
Reply:Heal the mind and mend the heart...Surely!

Bring peace and calm...absolutely!

Some people have the kind of soothing aura/positive energy surrounding them that their mere presence works wonders. They need not even touch could be matter of faith too. But it works!!!
Reply:yes, it is happening. a person who is so clear inside, who has a peaceful mind, who has realized his or her iner nature as love, this love radiates in his or her presence without him or her doing anything special. just the presence is enough. and people who are receptive to this, and even if they are not receptive, something can happen in them, because this love is the love that is everyone%26#039;s true nature, only most of us have forgotten it because of engaging so much in the worldly problems, the daily stress, the conditioned belief systems etc. this person has a peace of mind, all this trouble cannot affect him or her anymore, but his or her presence affects all conditioned minds around him. when speaking to him or her, he or she is empty inside. no prejudice, no violence in him or her. so, when you come and tell all your problems, there is no resonance in him or her to all the ego- created psychodrama. he or she just shares the presence with you and it might happen that your problems drop (in thought) and for the first time you can see clearly what causes all the trouble and you might come to a place of peace inside yourself. it is also possible that some mental or physical disorders might heal (the ones that have a mental/ psychological cause), just because he or she is not feeding your fear and your self- doubt.

sharing the presence with such a being is a blessing. fortunately i had this opportunity already.
Reply:Of course,the emotional feelings of a loved is Strong medicine,for how a person feels emotionally makes a big difference on a person healing,for the presence of a person showing that loving caring feeling,makes a person feel better emotionally,and when you feel better emotionally you heal better.
Reply:Well...Satan can do miraculous works...but it%26#039;s not real. Only through Christ can someone be healed. A person can only bring the delivery, they can%26#039;t actually possess the power to heal.

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