Thursday, March 26, 2009

Help me answer this...i don't understand the question..?

expound upon the qualities and ethos of humanism as it existed in ancient greece, and two thousand years later during the renaissance. furthermore, do you believe or not believe that our modern society is still in anyway under the influence of humanism in general? if so in which way(s) do you see this?
Help me answer this...i don%26#039;t understand the question..?
Humanism is essentially %26quot;Man is the measure of all things,%26quot; Protagoras.

Plato calls Protagoras a relativist.

The %26quot;qualities and ethics%26quot; of humanism are thus relativism, human-centric, agnostic (at best), and %26quot;truth is what is true for you.%26quot;

In a sense, we in the U.S. live in a post-Christian and increasingly secular culture, in which the attention is focused outwardly on the material, and, in the fashion of Feuerbach and Marx, man becomes %26quot;his or her own authority, even %26#039;as gods.%26#039;%26quot;

So, regarding your teacher%26#039;s question--if you discern your teacher is a Godly individual, you would tend to answer the question with that qualification or emphasis--God Is, but people are even more turning from God to %26quot;as gods%26quot; materialism. If you discern your teacher is godless, unobservant, a humanist him- or herself, then, depending on your willingness to perceive God in your life, or not, you would again answer in the affirmative.

The ways in which you %26quot;see this trend%26quot; are e.g. the increasing secular or %26quot;as gods%26quot; focus of U.S. society (not to mention Christian-heritage Europe), the autopoietic, transhuman, and AI communities, etc.

A counter-trend is notable in sub-Saharan Africa and in parts of Asia and South America, in terms of Christianization and Islamization. The factor which ties together the two disparate geographic trends is material well-being, driven and empowered by techne: i.e., the more wealth and material control of nature, the more people tend to ignore God--the %26quot;golden calf%26quot; or pleasure principle example. Atheists attribute Godly feelings to infantile, need-driven (%26quot;no atheists in foxholes%26quot;) personalities, while Godly attribute atheism and agnosticism to infantile childishness driving %26quot;as gods%26quot; rebellion against genuine moral authority.

Nb: %26quot;Liberal Fascism,%26quot; Jonah Goldberg, is an example of how %26quot;humanism%26quot; has recently historically empowered both fascistic and socialistic 20th century movements.

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