Thursday, March 26, 2009

What are your responsibilities as an individual in the web of life?

Your personal responsibilities and your responsibilities to the rest of the web.
What are your responsibilities as an individual in the web of life?
To live for the Lord and to tell the good news to as many people as possible.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
What are your responsibilities as an individual in the web of life?
My answers might sound kind of cheezy, but this is what I

To serve yourself, throu serving others.

To learn humility.

To use your talents, intelligents, gifts to enhance the good of humanity.

To love and be loved.

To breathe, eat and sleep so you will nurish your mind,body, and soul to work at it%26#039;s full potential.

To work hard...for purposes greater than money.

To respect nature, and help it grow.

To teach children love and self respect and compassion for others.

To rejoice in goodness, and not be led (even by self) into temptations and actions or wrongdoings.

To forgive.

To learn from your mistakes.
Reply:maintain peace, show kindness, honesty, sincereity, and i have a responsibility to myself, to do what i know is best for me (didnt say i was exactly fullfilling all of these......) , i dont really have a responsibility to change anyone else, but rather be the example of change, and that%26#039;s all (no converting, convincing, anything), be compassion.

i really cant distinguish a difference between my personal responsibilities and my responsibilities to the rest of the web- i dont know if that%26#039;s good or bad. I asked myself and what I listed is what came to mind. I do have a throbbing headache though, let me edit later! lol. i probably said something really stupid %26gt;%26gt;;;
Reply:To live a life with awareness.
Reply:Nurturing self by nurturing life, self satisfaction by satisfaction of others, especially of those who needs us; get by giving!!
Reply:To wake up, the rest will follow.

Reply:To know love, to know all is love, to know %26quot;love is all there is%26quot;. : )
Reply:I believe i must lift myself up before I can lift up others. We may not have a responsibility to help out everyone but if there is a clear choice of knocking down others to make myself seem bigger, I prefer lifting up those around me. Even if they are my enemy making those around me into better people is what I prefer to do.

Also, making your enemy stronger might lead to you becoming stronger through the tougher competition.

E.g. Ken Ham has ideas opposing my belief in science, but I am happy to help him find proof from science supporting his idea that some sort of cosmic intelligence may be at play in the universe. In return I would hope he would see that just because someone does not believe everything he does they need not be an enemy. I would also hope that supporting his ideals of morality and justice might lead him to be more moral and just when dealing with people who think differently to him.
Reply:The web of life is played out through each of us in the immediacy of the Now. Our role is to be in %26quot;co-respondence%26quot; or congruency as open and willing vessels in every moment as Source unfolds through us as us. We are to %26quot;respond%26quot; skillfully as agents of All That Is expressing infinitely, aligning our awakened consciousness with the One Consciousness as It is. If we %26quot;respond%26quot; in the moment to what is as it is, we co-operate as co-cocreators. This is literally our %26quot;response-ability.%26quot; While it seems difficult, it is as simple as surrendering to what already is as it is, without resistance, judgment, or attachment to outcomes...allowing the outplay of manifestation to move through ourselves while remaining in agreement and congruency with it. We can either %26quot;respond to%26quot; or %26quot;resist%26quot; Life as It is. In finding concurrence with All That Is, we go %26quot;with%26quot; the flow, consciously entering the streaming energy of Source as It moves through us. In acquiescing to Its eternal and infinite presence, we merge, as conscious participants, into the Web of Life, bearing all responsibility as Its co-creators. In acknowledging consciously our unreality (illusion) as separated false selves, we become our true of the Divine in constant expansion.

i am Sirius
Reply:Nothing. Nothing at all. To say otherwise is to say I was born a slave. I was not.

%26quot;My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.

%26quot;Neither am I the means to any end others may wish to accomplish. I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars.

%26quot;I owe nothing to my brothers, nor do I gather debts from them. I ask none to live for me, nor do I live for any others.

%26quot;I am neither foe nor friend to my brothers, but such as each of them shall deserve of me. And to earn my love, my brothers must do more than to have been born.

%26quot;I shall choose friends among men, but neither slaves nor masters. And I shall choose only such as please me, and them I shall love and respect, but neither command nor obey. And we shall join our hands when we wish, or walk alone when we so desire. For in the temple of his spirit, each man is alone. Let each man keep his temple untouched and undefiled. Then let him join hands with others if he wishes, but only beyond his holy threshold.%26quot;

Ayn Rand; %26quot;Anthem%26quot;

This prose poem explains in spiritual terms what America%26#039;s Founders meant when they talked about %26quot;individual sovereignty,%26quot; which unfortunately they later called %26quot;unalienable rights.%26quot;

%26quot;Individual sovereignty%26quot; is much easier to understand, and a lot easier to draft legislation around.
Reply:Interesting question!

My responsibility is to keep my life a meaningful one as well as for the life of others. I have the sole responsibility too to be aware and conscious to be a responsible citizen of the universe by living a good life and a good purpose. Life is so mysterious that each of one of us must be able to share how life brings goodness and how mysterious it works.

I have a responsibility to share to everyone that life is so short that we must make the most of it. We must be always at all times be of service to humanity.

thanks for asking. Have a great day!
Reply:The same. You are not separate, yet you are unique.
Reply:i know this one..chief seattle said%26quot;we did not weave the web of life but,live in it,what ever we do to the web we do also to ourselves%26quot;...

life is sacred,it was created in balance,when we pollute and destroy our mother we destroy ourselves....i have been taught to consider no only myself but seven generations of my family...tread on earth mother lightly.
Reply:To do: Good deeds

Not To Do: Evil
Reply:To shine My Light as brightly as I can!


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