Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life change?

Anyone have advice on how to make a decision about your life path? I am torn between what I love to do and what will keep me secure. The career I would love takes A LOT of time, money, stamina, perserverence to get, and even then it is a crapshoot. The secure path would help pay bills, afford me flexiblity, and please my family. I usually follow what my heart tells me; but right now that bugger has been super quiet! Help me decide HOW to choose if you can, not really WHAT to choose. Thank you. :)
Life change?
I feel the same way. Just look at it like you only have so long to live so why not do what you love
Life change?
Do the one t hat will make you secure and save up money and then do the one you love...That%26#039;s what I%26#039;m doing :D

Good luck and have a wonderful day

Reply:Whatever path you choose in life, never forget where they all end.
Reply:Plan your life in decades. Just because you are focusing on on thing now, such as getting some financial security, doesn%26#039;t mean that in another decade you couldn%26#039;t pursue your dreams. maybe there is some way to work on your dreams long term while being able to pay your own bills and be independent.
Reply:ask yourself this... in the end which would make you happier? something you love to do that takes work but will be rewarding thru your perseverance, or something that you don%26#039;t have a passion for and it%26#039;s just ok, but it pays the bills.. personally, i would go with what i%26#039;m passionate about, cause at least i would always love what i do. good luck, dude..
Reply:that kind of happens to me too. i suggest you take a step back and think of not only yoursef first but other people as well. since it looks like you already have a family of your own and need to support them. im trying not to tell you to choose here but if you can financially support yourself and ur family with the job youre less interested in, you can also use the money to maybe finance your further studies in what you love doing etc. only then, when youre financially stable you can choose a different career path and do what you like.
Reply:Choose what would put your life forward by making you happy. Make the rational choice with your own self interest in mind. Even if one takes more of work to do, you will be a better person because of it; you%26#039;ll feel pride.
Reply:You need to assess the entire situation and think of what would make you happiest and what would possibly have the most benefits in the end. You must also weigh the consequences of each action. It is like balancing pros and cons, the one with the balance you like is the one you should choose. Good luck!
Reply:Talk to your family and let them know your dilemma. You do have to take some financial responsibility for your family. If what you love to do could someday (in the not too distant future) help pay more of the bills, your family may be able to sacrifice here and there to support you so you can do what you love. You family would need to understand that it won%26#039;t happen overnight. You should agree on a time frame before you make up your mind. Good luck, tough position.
Reply:I can totally relate to how you feel. I majored in art (painting) in school because it was my true passion, but it turns out that it is an extremely tough field to break into-after a lot of time-money-persistence-etc. It didn%26#039;t seem like a big deal until I got married and had real financial responsibilities. Its taken me a long time to find a balance. I guess if you%26#039;re willing to put in all the effort to follow your dream AND make it pay bills, then that%26#039;s awesome. But if you%26#039;re like me and couldn%26#039;t quite do that, then I suggest what I did...After much searching, I found a job that I really do enjoy and I keep my art as a hobby. I%26#039;ve found that I can still make time for it and enjoy it and I can actually still pursue it as a career at my own slow pace while not worrying about the bills being paid.
Reply:Generally, for big decisions like this, it is best to do what you really want to. It might cost you nothing to go with what others want for minor decisions, but for major ones like this, you may have to live with the result of your choice your whole life. If you choose to go in to a field you really don%26#039;t like, know that there is a good chance you will hate your job and be miserable, no matter how much you make or how pleased your family is. Of course, if the lucrative field your family wants is not very different from your passion, perhaps going with the more lucrative field would be best, as you would be somewhat happy and may even find a creative way to apply your passion to your job.

Hopefully this isn%26#039;t a decision which you must make soon and which will not be reversible. The only person who can make the decision is you, and you will need a lot of time to think. There is a number of tricks people come up with for making hard decisions. What I have found to be the most helpful is to speak with absolutely everybody you can about this, particularly anybody who might have an expert opinion. Find out as much as you can. Maybe the job your family wants isn%26#039;t so bad; maybe the job you love can lead to a related field which pays more. Getting other viewpoints may also help you to see something which you missed because you were too close to the issue.

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