Thursday, March 26, 2009

Explain this quote "for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"?

We think some things are good...we think some things are bad.

If we were unable to think, there would be no good or bad.
Explain this quote %26quot;for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so%26quot;?
Nothing if inherently good or bad, just our opinion makes so.
Explain this quote %26quot;for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so%26quot;?
Not much to read into it for me. Just seems like it%26#039;s making a statement about perspectives, and how one can view something in life from many different points of view. For example, you losing a twenty dollar bill might be unfortunate. But if it was found by a destitute woman having difficulties providing for her family, she%26#039;d view your dollar dropping as a very fortunate event.
Reply:Humans have a judgmental brain. Everything is neutral.
Reply:The truth is that there is good and bad and thinking makes it so.
Reply:An action is not inherently good nor is it bad, but a thought about said action will make it either good or bad.
Reply:We are raised with opinions and beijg told how to behave and all that.

We are not born with the interpretaion of good or bad.

Death is natural, failure is natural and it is not bad, but we interprete it that way due to our up bringing.
Reply:It means that good and bad are a decison or choice derived at through thinking. X might happen. If on thinking about it, you might decide it was good. I might decide it was bad. The event happens without the judgment. that comes from us and through our thinking.
Reply:People make their own decisions on what is good and what is bad simply put
Reply:Good and bad don%26#039;t actually exist. They are ideas. As ideas, what you think determines, to you, if something is %26quot;good%26quot; or %26quot;bad.%26quot;
Reply:%26quot;There is no good, There is no bad. Just perspective and opinion%26quot;

My quote is the answer to your quote. Someone can think %26quot;This is bad%26quot; but another person can think %26quot;This is good%26quot; It%26#039;s not a fact its the way we think about it.
Reply:Hamlet said that.

A longer version is, %26quot;Why then %26#039;tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.%26quot;

He was wishing he didn%26#039;t know what he knew. explosives bad in used them in mining
Reply:The logic is as follows:

A universal truth is claimed: there is no Good nor Evil, indeed, even no %26quot;good or bad.%26quot; Rather, %26quot;thinking%26quot; determines all.

Notice that %26quot;thinking%26quot; is not necessarily %26quot;letting this Mind abide which was also in Christ Jesus%26quot; (Saint Paul). Rather, %26quot;thinking%26quot; is often construed as %26quot;your opinion, your feelings.%26quot; This is %26quot;good, God, in your image,%26quot; and there are no standards beyond what %26quot;you think.%26quot; Hence, if you think %26quot;God is bad,%26quot; %26quot;it must be so.%26quot;

The single problem with this is, what if some things are always Good, and you happen to think otherwise? Then, by Truth, you would have to re-pent, re-think. In the timing of Saint John Baptist, he initiated the practice of ritually baptizing unto repentance both Gentiles and Jews. Until then, Jews did not have to %26quot;repent%26quot; regarding the progress of the Messianic promise. By John%26#039;s time, according to him, they did. I.e., their thinking had moved away from Truth, and all their thinking something was Truth when it wasn%26#039;t, didn%26#039;t hold water with God, according to John.

C. S. Lewis makes a similar point: if a person thinks herself to be a good fried egg, and she isn%26#039;t, all the thinking in her world won%26#039;t make it so.

If God Is, then there is a standard beyond our opining.

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck, Ph.D., and

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves, may be of interest.
Reply:%26quot;Good%26quot; and %26quot;Bad%26quot; are human concepts.

They are impressed by us on what we see.

Ex: The Lion kills/eats the Gazelle.

Good for the Lion, Bad for the Gazelle,

Nature doesn%26#039;t care.

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