Thursday, March 26, 2009

How do I get what I want?

I want my boyfriend to propose. I want more money. I want to be with my sister. I want to be in better shape. How do I get what I want, and how am I supposed to be happy until I do? What if I never do??
How do I get what I want?
Set goals for yourself and work to achieve them. Enjoy the scenery along the way.
How do I get what I want?
boyfriend wait till he ask, more money work more, move to where your sister is, and go to the gym. wow! now that was really hard to figure out
Reply:if ur really in a crisis, get a therapist.
Reply:visualize, dream and believe, then work hard to acheive your goals
Reply:Goodness you sound a lot like me.. Well first I would say you need to be determined and willing to work hard to get what you want, and it sounds like you are. Second you really need to make sure that those things are things you really want. Next it%26#039;s time to come up with a plan. Write your goals down, and ways to get closer to accomplishing them, and also things that are stopping you, or hindering you. It will take time, you have a lot of things you want to work on, ( and men are clueless, lol ) you can%26#039;t force him to propose, but there are things you can do to encourage him. I%26#039;m not sure about your job situation, but do you need more hours, a better paying job, a part time job? Getting in better shape -- take it slow. make a few small changes at a time., walk a bit more, cut out a few unhealthy foods. About not being happy if you don%26#039;t get all of those things: Sometimes not everything goes the way you plan. Or the way you wanted it to be turns out to be worse than you expected. In the meantime, you have to take what you have, and work on being happy with yourself now, not just once all of those things are accomplished... try meditation, or deep breathing, think of happier times, etc.... Good luck!
Reply:Set goals. It doesn%26#039;t matter how long they take. Reach you%26#039;re goals, and feel pride. Thats the only way.
Reply:Do you know how to eat up an elephant? Right, piece by piece. This is just your situation, as I see it. :)

Your goals are very logical and understandable. More money means more work (or another field of work, or your own business). Ask your sister to help you with your business, and you%26#039;ll be together. While you work more, you stay more active and thus get your better shape (actually, you just don%26#039;t have time for another piece of delicious cake and another hour on the sofa). While you work more, you meet more interesting people, including men. Your eyes shine brighter, and your self-esteem goes higher. The more you communicate, the more your boyfriend sees how beautiful and popular you are. Now he%26#039;s really afraid to lose you. He sees positive changes in you, and NOW it%26#039;s your time to give him a hint.

Honestly, life%26#039;s too short to be unhappy. Simple thought but it%26#039;s true. Look at yourself in the mirror every morning, smile and say something good to yourself. It%26#039;s a must! Be kind to yourself and go for your dreams. Your boyfriend (to be husband) will certainly follow you. And your sister will be by your side. Good luck! :)
Reply:true happiness does not come from money for starters. and all i have to say to the rest is stop asking questions on yahoo and really ponder what you can do to get what will really make you happy.. work out and eat right if you wanna be in better shape. take initiative if you want to acquire true happiness.. it doesn%26#039;t just come to people that want it. it takes work.. plus it%26#039;s more rewarding in the end anyways. and if you%26#039;re never happy or never get what you want, you%26#039;re either looking in the wrong places or you%26#039;re not working hard enough.
Reply:you will never be truly happy, if what makes you happy is things you do not have. everything you listed is things you want, not things you need. its ok to want things, but thinking your not gonna be happy until you see your sister, get in better shape, have boyfriend propose, ect. already puts the idea (or thought) in your head. before every emotion you have there is a thought before the emotion, you think a movie your going to is gonna suck - you%26#039;ll find a reason for it to suck. you decide where ever you are if your gonna be happy or not. life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. if you make it a habit to try and be happy and positive all the time, (now i realize we cant be in happy go lucky all the time) and things like getting in shape and money, if you make in effort to exercise to get in shape and do you things that make you feel better about yourself, more money may not seem as important.
Reply:Try prayer.

John 3:16
Reply:Well put Natalya!

I 100% agree. Especially the part where, the more you work, the more you%26#039;ll meet more interesting people, including men. And your self esteem will go through the roof. I think Brian will eventually see this and be afraid to lose you.

Life is too short to be unhappy.

You need to write your goals down on paper, so you dont lose sight, and get lost, then 3 years from now wind up asking yourself this same question.

By hiring the personal trainer, you%26#039;ve already taken that step to become in better shape. So you can check that one off the list. Now, getting your boyfriend to propose and being with your sister aka.. me.. :) - well, again.. you must do what makes you happy.. so in the end it%26#039;s going to come down to choosing or waiting a long time. Whether that long wait will be for him to propose or for me to move to TX when the girls are older.. or for you to realize he doesnt plan on marrying you and for you then to move here to be closer to me and your two neices.. well all of this is up in the air.

Ultimately, you are the one who determines when and how you will get what you want, whatever that ends up being.

I will say this though, if the thought, %26quot; What if I never do?%26quot; lingers in your mind, it%26#039;s going to be very difficult to be happy, period. Theres no way you can be optimistic and work towards achieving a goal all while having that negative thought in your mind of %26quot;what if I never do?%26quot; That will amost guarantee failure.

I would just take it one day at a time. Continue working towards getting in shape, that is, by far, the easiest to conquer. Try to remain positive. hang out with friends, go to the beach more.. just do what makes you happy. Everything will fall in place in the end. And if it doesn%26#039;t, well.. your an intelligent, beautiful, %26#039;quirky and interesting%26#039; woman with a good head on your shoulders, great job, and any guy out there would be lucky to have you, you just have to remind yourself of that, the next time you doubt yourself. Stop worrying so much! Love ya

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