Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is love in life?

love like a tragedy which creates problems in life
What is love in life?
%26quot;Soul Mates and Twin Flames,%26quot; Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

%26quot;Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon,%26quot; O. M. Aivanhov,

%26quot;Sacred Psychology of Love: The Quest for Relationships that Unite Heart and Soul,%26quot; Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.,

%26quot;Hope Rising,%26quot; Kim Meeder,

%26quot;When Invisible Children Sing,%26quot; Chi Cheng Huang, M.D.,

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;For Men Only%26quot; and %26quot;For Women Only,%26quot; Shaunti Feldhahn,

%26quot;Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti,%26quot; Bill and Pam Farrel,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck, give good examples of %26quot;love in life.%26quot;
What is love in life?
Love is the opportunity to feel alive.
Reply:Love is opposite of hate. The hate makes the world bad and love makes it good. So the world choose between two. It%26#039;s upon you to whom you choose....
Reply:The reason to live.

It can be the other way if it fails.

It does not matter if never experienced it :-)

Love need not just be between husband and wife or the so called lovers. You can find love (that is the reason to live) from your parents, children, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, pets and sometimes even from strangers too. So one should learn to cope with, even if one such love appears to have failed or ceases.
Reply:Maybe true love in life is self-less. Love is something that arises in us as a reaction to the qualities of something external to our-selves, though we are connected to it. Yet this connection to our love object is what jeopardizes or impurifies love. But also tests and refines it.

What about self-love? Is there such a thing? From where does love of the self originate? How do we learn that we are lovable if not in relation to each other? That is a circular concept.

Maybe love IS life. Life is the cycle of interaction among living, nonliving, and dying things. What makes those interactions meaningful, worthwhile? Love; but so many other things make life meaningful and worthwhile, too. Therefore, love is a part of life.

What value is love given in our society? Love is a state of consciousness, of agreed upon characteristics in varying degrees of subjective importance. We each have differenct experiences in life, therefore love is different for each of us.

What is love in life? Its a beautiful, agonizing mystery. Love is that which is felt intuitively, crumbling upon the light of inspection.
Reply:love is the most important thing in ones life...It is a feeling of trust, assurance, companionship, respect and above all a secure feeling...there r a few people who get the true love of their life
Reply:Are you; in %26#039;love%26#039;, really; not %26#039;falling-down%26#039;, like the young %26#039;people%26#039; !
Reply:%26quot;Loss of Valuable Energy%26quot;, Yes, - as long as love is confined to ego or lower self.

%26quot; Love is divine%26quot; - Yes, - if love enables us to get expanded and reach the true self or divinity.
Reply:In life love is compassion for others.Since you asked this question in Philosophy, if you are referring to Divine Love it is showered to all whether you accept it or not,whether you love or hate Him, whether you praise or abuse Him etcc makes no difference to Him.It can be likened to a small child (maybe your own) who may yell at you/give you a kiss still you love him.
Reply:An evolutionary adaptation among some animals.

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