Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is to enjoy it the best you can,be the best person you can be in this world and help others.If your good you go to a better place when you die which is heaven and if your bad well then you burn in hell.
What is the meaning of life?
everyone has their own destiny, you%26#039;ll have to figure that out for yourself...good luck
What is the meaning of life?
Life is like a journey where there is everything love,struggle,happiness,sadness,lose,vic...

So live it at your maximum

because who knows next birth
Reply:The meaning of life is what you make it.
Reply:To exist and act upon your existence. This is the meaning of life.
Reply:42 is the answer you%26#039;re looking for.
Reply:Everyone has their own view upon life and its just have to figure it out yourself.
Reply:How do you know that there even is a meaning of life? And what if there%26#039;s not only one, but many, depending on the person? Good luck with that, I am still trying to come up with this myself. Just know that you are not alone in your quest for identity.
Reply:Not trying to sound pessimistic, but I doubt there is a meaning of life (except for 42 of course). Life in and of itself is a fluke. An Accident. random atoms firing and creating a DNA molecule, which evolved into a microscopic slime ball, and so on. There is no heaven, no hell. Life is what you make of it; You can be a sad, angry person. Or you could be a happy, truthful person. It%26#039;s up to you.

Reply:To get to know your Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to serve and glorify Him. John 3:16

u wanna know?? check out this link...
Reply:It%26#039;s a Monty Python movie.
Reply:learning to love, learning forgiveness, learning from your mistakes, learning self control, learning right from wrong, I could go on and on here..But basically life is filled with lessons.. Which if they are not learned then bad things will repeat like in cycles..

Everyone deals with good and bad in life.. Your goal is to make the best out of it all.. We are here to try to become the best people we can be.. And to me.. Life is all about LOVE.. B/c within love you have to accomplish all those things I wrote above and more..

SO in MY personal opinion that is the meaning of life..

Everyone will have something different to say.. B/c not everyone is the same on their beliefs..

And then again.. not everyone is right in their beliefs and not everyone is wrong..

Basically that is something you have to find deep within yourself...:)
Reply:The meaning of life is all based on upon reaching your goals in life.

Since you were able to talk, walk and think for yourself you have been making goals for yourself. Those goals may be a variety of different things. Maybe you want to do good on a history report, maybe you want your parents to be proud, maybe you want to be in a certain career, maybe you want to be a good parent, maybe you want to change someones life.

The meaning in life is to be successful in your own way. Whatever path we may choose we all have goals we wish to reach and there will always be more goals until the day we kick the bucket.
Reply:LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other.
Reply:Life can mean many different things depending on who we are, what we think and what we do. Our life in this world is like a journey where we pass through joy, happiness, sorrow, pain and suffering. In the process of passing each phase we can learn something new from it, regarding ourselves, regarding the people we love, regarding morals, ethics, divine etc. One way of finding those aspects can be through suffering; but it certainly isn鈥檛 the only way. But if suffering is a part of life which everyone has to go through at some point; instead of taking it as a bad thing why not take it as a challenge, and struggle to find some sort of meaning as the meaning of life might just be the search for making life meaningful.-----------(tht%26#039;s just a paragraph from one of my papers on Man%26#039;s search for meanig)

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