Thursday, March 26, 2009

A question for all you late night philosophers (where I live anyway)?

if God didn%26#039;t exist nothing would make sense...

what do you make of this statement?
A question for all you late night philosophers (where I live anyway)?
I find it somewhat nihilistic because of that latter part. Does that mean that atheists are lost in nothingness?
A question for all you late night philosophers (where I live anyway)?
it depends on your religious preference.

i being an atheist would say this is false.
Reply:Shoulda posted this over in R%26amp;S, my friend -- you%26#039;d have 40 answers in 3 minutes.

Christians agree, atheists don%26#039;t, and the rest are all somewhere in between.
Reply:I think it%26#039;s true, but some physicists believe the big bang happened without an initial event. I think it was God.
Reply:If it were on a sheet of 8 1/2 by 11 paper, I could make an airplane, a hat, a boat, a crane, maybe a giant spitball or a box that will hold water..............
Reply:I don%26#039;t feel like completely going into this. Find a really phlisophical person and do some shrooms in a very safe environment with not to many people. then you will understand.
Reply:Everything would still make sense, it would actually make more sense. When something doesn%26#039;t make sense to a Christian, their usual answer to it is %26quot;it is God%26#039;s way%26quot; but that doesn%26#039;t answer anything! Especially for somebody like me who does not believe. That makes no sense to me or many other people. Without God, things would make more sense.
Reply:I agree otherwise our instinct to find meaning would be meaningless.

There would be no %26quot;karma%26quot; or justice as there would be no judge. We would be random and without purpose. Our need for relevance either has meaning or not. I believe it does.
Reply:People use God to explain their means for everything. Others use math to find definite meanings. We use God to explain the unexplainable, no matter what he is always the answer. Even if he does exist now a lot of things still dont make sense.
Reply:It%26#039;s completely unfounded. You can%26#039;t test it and there%26#039;s really no way to properly discuss it. Thats like saying if chickens didn%26#039;t exist no one would buy shoes.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know I%26#039;m pretty biased and live in CO but look around it does seem to all mesh together in some kind of harmonious picture. I think it has to be by design!
Reply:Of that statement i would say that the person is confident and secure in the belief that God exists and that they rely heavily on that belief and let it affect their everyday life to a large extent; Whether that be in going to a type of church or just having a mind set accustomed to their religion.
Reply:Nothing really makes sense with God, nothing makes sense without him. Nothing makes sense. That is one of the characteristics of the Universe.
Reply:Id god does exist, nothing makes sense.

In you head, and in mine, and in every other person,

When you believe in god, a world without him makes no sense.

When you dont, a world with him makes none.

Im an atheist also, so i dont understand either way.
Reply:Then I guess God doesn%26#039;t exist because nothing really does make sense as is. On the other hand though if there was a god then how does that make things make more sense? For if we agree that there is a God then that only brings up more unanswered questions to mind, making things make about as much sense as it does now.
Reply:Makes sense to me.
Reply:I agree
Reply:This is an abitrary statement, and no educated person would acknowledge it.
Reply:I say that nothing would be %26quot;tangible%26quot;.

Even with God, it doesn%26#039;t make sense. God%26#039;s just there to provide a way to call everything that doesn%26#039;t, and probably never will, make sense.
Reply:Thought progresses glacially. That one is a relic that will last a long time because of transference and denial.
Reply:Things can exist without a god.

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