Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tears of joy is really Tears of sadness sugarcoated?

otherwise there wouldnt be tears, that someone is happy for you, and theyre crying maybe because all that youve been through
Tears of joy is really Tears of sadness sugarcoated?
Maybe it should be phrased %26quot;Tears of Sucession%26quot;. Happy that you%26#039;ve FINALLY succeeded, after all sad that crap.
Tears of joy is really Tears of sadness sugarcoated?
As a hysterical lycramorph, I tell you that any strong emotion can be expressed in tears.
Reply:of course not..they%26#039;re different from one another..
Reply:I don%26#039;t agree that tears of joy are sugarcoated tears of sadness. There are many joyful things in life that can bring tears of joy. I feel sad for you that you have not experienced these precious joyful moments. Hopefully you will in the future. I believe the strongest emotion is love.
Reply:sadness is not the strongest emotion for sure because sadness blinds the individual to do regrettable things. i%26#039;ve thought through and still haven%26#039;t stumbled onto the strongest emotion, but i think that the strongest emotion to be an emotion that doesn%26#039;t blind your judgment. and no to the tears thing because the joy is so strong that some people express it through tears. me personally i%26#039;ve never done that.
Reply:Often relief at hearing good news is like a coiled spring suddenly released and it seems you should be happy, which you are, but it is expressed in tears of relief. I had an experience in the hospital once that was life-threatening, I could have died, but I put up a brave face and endured it without complaining. After a few days of recovery the doctor came in and told me I could get dressed and go home. I was waiting in my room for my parents to come when I totally broke down and cried for fifteen minutes.

It took me a while to realize that it was a combination of gratitude, relief, homesickness, joy, reunion and leaving those nurses and orderlies who I had befriended.
Reply:I disagree. Tears are a release of emotion when you cannot contain them and they can be from joy, anger, or sadness, fear, anything really. They all feel differently.

When I held my daughter for the first time, I was overcome with joy and cried like a baby. I thought I was having a boy, the ultrasound and the Dr. and nurses were all wrong. I had two boys and home and really wanted a girl. I just couldn%26#039;t believe it when she was born. It was the greatest joy!

Is there any one that doesnt like?

Sublime, Cuz I havent met one.
Is there any one that doesnt like?
My ice cubes keep doing it.
Is there any one that doesnt like?
Just knowing that I don%26#039;t much like most people. And most people don%26#039;t much like me.

Reply:As in the Band?....a few songs are ok


: )
Reply:I agree with Doug.

Explain this quote "for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"?

We think some things are good...we think some things are bad.

If we were unable to think, there would be no good or bad.
Explain this quote %26quot;for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so%26quot;?
Nothing if inherently good or bad, just our opinion makes so.
Explain this quote %26quot;for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so%26quot;?
Not much to read into it for me. Just seems like it%26#039;s making a statement about perspectives, and how one can view something in life from many different points of view. For example, you losing a twenty dollar bill might be unfortunate. But if it was found by a destitute woman having difficulties providing for her family, she%26#039;d view your dollar dropping as a very fortunate event.
Reply:Humans have a judgmental brain. Everything is neutral.
Reply:The truth is that there is good and bad and thinking makes it so.
Reply:An action is not inherently good nor is it bad, but a thought about said action will make it either good or bad.
Reply:We are raised with opinions and beijg told how to behave and all that.

We are not born with the interpretaion of good or bad.

Death is natural, failure is natural and it is not bad, but we interprete it that way due to our up bringing.
Reply:It means that good and bad are a decison or choice derived at through thinking. X might happen. If on thinking about it, you might decide it was good. I might decide it was bad. The event happens without the judgment. that comes from us and through our thinking.
Reply:People make their own decisions on what is good and what is bad simply put
Reply:Good and bad don%26#039;t actually exist. They are ideas. As ideas, what you think determines, to you, if something is %26quot;good%26quot; or %26quot;bad.%26quot;
Reply:%26quot;There is no good, There is no bad. Just perspective and opinion%26quot;

My quote is the answer to your quote. Someone can think %26quot;This is bad%26quot; but another person can think %26quot;This is good%26quot; It%26#039;s not a fact its the way we think about it.
Reply:Hamlet said that.

A longer version is, %26quot;Why then %26#039;tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.%26quot;

He was wishing he didn%26#039;t know what he knew. explosives bad in used them in mining
Reply:The logic is as follows:

A universal truth is claimed: there is no Good nor Evil, indeed, even no %26quot;good or bad.%26quot; Rather, %26quot;thinking%26quot; determines all.

Notice that %26quot;thinking%26quot; is not necessarily %26quot;letting this Mind abide which was also in Christ Jesus%26quot; (Saint Paul). Rather, %26quot;thinking%26quot; is often construed as %26quot;your opinion, your feelings.%26quot; This is %26quot;good, God, in your image,%26quot; and there are no standards beyond what %26quot;you think.%26quot; Hence, if you think %26quot;God is bad,%26quot; %26quot;it must be so.%26quot;

The single problem with this is, what if some things are always Good, and you happen to think otherwise? Then, by Truth, you would have to re-pent, re-think. In the timing of Saint John Baptist, he initiated the practice of ritually baptizing unto repentance both Gentiles and Jews. Until then, Jews did not have to %26quot;repent%26quot; regarding the progress of the Messianic promise. By John%26#039;s time, according to him, they did. I.e., their thinking had moved away from Truth, and all their thinking something was Truth when it wasn%26#039;t, didn%26#039;t hold water with God, according to John.

C. S. Lewis makes a similar point: if a person thinks herself to be a good fried egg, and she isn%26#039;t, all the thinking in her world won%26#039;t make it so.

If God Is, then there is a standard beyond our opining.

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck, Ph.D., and

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves, may be of interest.
Reply:%26quot;Good%26quot; and %26quot;Bad%26quot; are human concepts.

They are impressed by us on what we see.

Ex: The Lion kills/eats the Gazelle.

Good for the Lion, Bad for the Gazelle,

Nature doesn%26#039;t care.

On a difficult project, are recruitment procedures watered down ?

%26quot;There鈥檚 no doubt that the office bully is the pure embodiment of office rage 鈥?he lives and breathes it 鈥?and is in a completely different class from the rest of us. His underhand tactics and constant vying for power and control can completely destroy workplace harmony, and he should be dealt with swiftly by your company鈥檚 disciplinary procedures.%26quot;

If there%26#039;s difficulty staffing a project - if the project needs skilled staff in short supply, mightn%26#039;t recruitment procedures be watered down and allow in unsuitable staff ?
On a difficult project, are recruitment procedures watered down ?
From personal experience, I can give a resounding YES!
On a difficult project, are recruitment procedures watered down ?
If by %26#039;procedures%26#039; you actually mean %26#039;standards%26#039; then yes. That%26#039;s usually what happens.

Most managers have less than zero technical skills (that%26#039;s why they went into management in the first place) and most of them seem to honestly believe that %26#039;more bodies equals getting it done quicker%26#039;.

This is the same dick-headed philosophy which says that nine women working together should be able to make a baby in one month 鈽?br>

Reply:The actions of others makes one assumption that is often incorrect and that is that we are aware of all the information involved and the decision making process.

It is easy to render a decision about the actions taken with only a sliver of the information.

Why do we all have diffrent voices?

Its very rare to say that somebody sounds like someonelse.
Why do we all have diffrent voices?
Our ears are able to distinguish significantly more wave forms than are needed to interpret language. Our vocal cords, mouths and noses are physical instruments that change over time through their use. Our brains learn by imitating others but we do not succeed in exactly copying what we hear. The difference between the thing we try to copy and the sound we produce is easily distinguished by our ears.

Why do we all have diffrent voices?

Its very rare to say that somebody sounds like someonelse.
Why do we all have diffrent voices?
We are all made different. No one%26#039;s the same.
Why do we all have diffrent voices?
to be leave a trademark..
Reply:If we all sounded the same there would be confusion. You would hear a voice behind you that sounds like your aunt, your brother, your milkman, your math teacher, your dentist, your nosy neighbor, your father,etc.

Babylon philosophy ?

How did Babylonian philosophy influence Western philosophy? I%26#039;ve been trying to find a good website, but haven%26#039;t had the best of luck..
Babylon philosophy ?
It looks like they didn%26#039;t get nearly as far as the Greeks did. Pre-Grecian civilizations like Babylon and Sumer aren%26#039;t remembered for their philosophy because they relied more on mythology and because they didn%26#039;t have the freedom of speech that Greece was to have. Most intellectuals worked for the king%26#039;s court.

There is a section on philosophy in the wikipedia article on Babylonian literature. They did figure out some logic, which enabled them to do astronomy and medicine and may have had some influence on the Greeks.

What is your favorite saying that you live by?

Like a motto or something? EX: %26quot;Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.%26quot; But I need something that I could look at every morning and help me look foward to or get happy about the day. I guess something that will motivate me and make me a better person. I%26#039;m trying to geet my life together (I wasn%26#039;t doing so hot, look at my questions) and I think it%26#039;d be good for me to have a positive motto. So, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
What is your favorite saying that you live by?
%26quot;%26quot;If you forget your roots you%26#039;ve lost sight of everything%26quot; -Walter Payton %26quot;,

%26quot;The most important thought is: if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. -Walter Payton%26quot;

Pressure is something you feel when you dont know what you are doing.
What is your favorite saying that you live by?
See no evil...think no evil.....speak no evil
Reply:%26quot;Don%26#039;t let the bad things in life keep you down, don%26#039;t give up because someone you loved died. Insted rember, and carry on. The worst thing you can do is forget.%26quot; a friend of mine told me this when i was REALLY depressed about losing a friend to cancer. this helped me more than anything else ever could have.
Reply:Always say what you think because those who mind don%26#039;t matter and those who matter don%26#039;t mind.
Reply:%26quot;Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway.%26quot;--John Wayne

%26quot;Be kind whenever is always possible.%26quot;--Dalai Lama

%26quot;A child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn%26#039;t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.%26quot;--Chief Sitting Bull

%26quot;The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.%26quot;--D.H. Lawrence

%26quot;If you cannot help someone, at least try and not hurt them.%26quot;--Dalai Lama
Reply:“Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.”

-Brendan Gill

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Reply:%26quot;Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.%26quot; Confucius
Reply:The golden rule %26quot;DO NOT DO UNTO OTHERS WHAT U DO NOT WANT OTHERS DO UNTO U%26quot;. I believe if every one has that in mind, there would be peace in this world.
Reply:Things are easy if you have the right tools.

Humans Versus Nature; Who Wins?

Everyone always seems to think that humans are stealing the world%26#039;s natural resources and ruining the environment.

But on the other hand, natural diasters seem to put humanity in its place.

So who%26#039;s winning?
Humans Versus Nature; Who Wins?
Well, think of it this way;

There have been unnatural events happening lately across the world over the past few years, such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, and haven%26#039;t they all been happening because we%26#039;re ruining the environment? I%26#039;d say we%26#039;re making the earth act so much more violently against us. In a sense, we%26#039;re winning, but it in the end we all know nature will win.
Humans Versus Nature; Who Wins?
Humans are part of Nature. We can only win what Nature allow us to win.
Reply:Depends on what you mean by winning.

Ultimately nature will become so far out of balance that humanity, and possibly everything else living on the planet is destroyed...or at least greatly diminished...whether there will be a liveable planet after that remains to be seen.
Reply:Nature has always been present on Earth and always will be. Humans have existed on this planet for a relatively early period of time, so no matter what we do or do not do, nature will continue to %26#039;react%26#039; .. I guess you could say .. to what%26#039;s going on around the planet. This doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean what humans are doing but anything .. for example if an asteroid hits the Earth what%26#039;s going to happen?

At this point in time, humans are using and abusing the nature%26#039;s resources, and nature is reacting to what we%26#039;re doing. So I wouldn%26#039;t stay it%26#039;s putting %26#039;humanity in its place%26#039; but rather, we%26#039;re facing the consequences and realizing what we%26#039;re doing to the planet is wrong and not helping it.

So really, I don%26#039;t think anyone is %26#039;winning%26#039; per se. Humans and nature are both getting hurt but at the same time we%26#039;re still benefiting from this world.

What do you think the meaning of life is?

What do YOU think the meaning of life is? What is the most important thing to you in life? Family? Money? Business? Friends? Share!!!!
What do you think the meaning of life is?
my relationship with Jesus
What do you think the meaning of life is?
life is life.

there are so many things in it.

i think that there is so much to do.

i love my family, friends, and i love music.
Reply:Honestly, i have found no true meaning to live for.

I could care less about money, or people in general.

I don%26#039;t have a religion.

My boyfriend i guess, is the only reason im still here.

so he%26#039;s my reason worth living.
Reply:The most important thing in life is To love and be loved in return!

The meaning of life? dang thats tuff...I figure doing whatever it is to keep you (the person) happy through and through. Whether that means marrying and having children or Working on your career. Living for family or yourself all that matters is if your happy and feel accomplished...if on it..its never to late to make yourself happy.
Reply:LIFE, also known as The Game of Life, is a board game originally created in 1860 by Milton Bradley, as The Checkered Game of Life. The modern version was originally published in 1960 by the Milton Bradley Company (now a subsidiary of Hasbro). Two to six players can participate in one game; however, variations of the game have been made to accommodate a maximum of eight or ten players.

The game consists of a track, on which players travel by spinning a small wheel with spaces numbered 1 through 10, located in the middle of the board. The board also contains small mountains, buildings, and other similar pieces, so the playing area does not appear flat. Playing pieces are small, colored plastic automobiles which come in six different colors (red, blue, white, yellow, orange, and green), and each pawn has six holes in the top in which the %26quot;people pegs%26quot; are placed throughout the game as the player %26quot;gets married%26quot; and has or adopts %26quot;children%26quot;.

Each game also includes a setup for a bank, which includes imitation money (in denominations ranging from $5,000 to $100,000), insurance policies (automobile, life, fire, and/or homeowners%26#039; insurance depending on the version), $20,000 promissory notes, and stock certificates. Other tangibles vary with the game version.

Hope this helps.
Reply:Family %26amp; Friends are most important / Business %26amp; Money is about the same thing it just money and when you work for it it will make your life go faster so you deside witch you think is more important
Reply:LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other.
Reply:That is a very good question and all though no one can ever be certain, since I was little I was sure I knew and I%26#039;m still sure. I believe that the meaning of life is love. Love is such a powerful strong thing, something so beautiful that it can rise above all else and last for forever. People are always going around getting married to people they don%26#039;t love, they settle and then get divorced. But if you wait for someone special you may just find your soul mate. I think that you can really only love one person your whole life, and if you find that person nothing else really matters.

In the immortal words of the Beatles

Reply:Read the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. It goes into great depth on that subject.

What are your goals and what would be a better way to reach them than what you plan to do or are doing now?

i want to be a teacher for five to ten years, then run a bed and age 45, i would like to run for some form of government office. As for how i am getting there; there is definately a bunch different ways, but for now it is important that i do it this way.
What are your goals and what would be a better way to reach them than what you plan to do or are doing now?
I have stopped reaching for goals. I am not entirely sure its not dysfunctional but I am just enjoying the ride now.
What are your goals and what would be a better way to reach them than what you plan to do or are doing now?
I%26#039;m going to change the world. I don%26#039;t know how, but I will. I%26#039;m so excited!
Reply:No one thing but an overall perspective is considered in what I do. Here%26#039;s why: We%26#039;re living in a time that evidences more and more no one really knows what he or she is doing, aside from the impossibility that we cannot in any way achieve of perfection. That is, knowing about any one thing is in reality estimation. Oh, we may think we know but in reality do not and in fact, little shows that anyone does or can. The act of living daily does not express as did occur 2 years ago, 6 years before that, 12 years before this -- so rapid and unpredictable are the shifts and turns now.

Catclysms of all kinds, epic and natural disasters all, the planet occasions the dark side with curious frequency, which affect tens of thousands at once. No sooner than one plans is there found something overlooked, and he or she has now the need to shift to still other planning again, or quickly come strange outside events that shift our planning for us; as if some calibration from great and clever hands is there hidden somewhere in the empties, tinkering. And while these tweeks and adjustments occur, no curtain is drawn, no innocence do we enjoy as once afforded us that otherwise availed obscurities, warding us from the cold, bitter, oftentimes subtle, sides of things as once did.

We get it with the bark on today, and not few are awakening fast and in stark if not we think the right ways. There appears conditions placed before us in which one does as best one can but must assume before doing anything, he or she is best to pause and reflect first and long, that there is to be a question found needing conjured first at the outset of each leap or threshold of turn or intention. I do best to edit thoughts and actions and entreat every intention within to do no harm.

Where one is doing the best (not the better) one can, he or she has to consider that there may indicate a possible disruption rent upon someone else from doing the best she or he can. I mean here, consciousness to what we do today evidences to be the great import more and more; therefore, we are best apt where we allow that we plan and grow but not resolve to dogmatism or inflexibility in the midst of doing somewhat we think is so constructive, so brilliant.
Reply:Hmm, I%26#039;ve never really had %26#039;goals%26#039;, but I do have an ideal that I would like. I%26#039;d like to be in a position to be totally independent from a job, relatives, and anyone else. I%26#039;d like to not have to worry about money or how to pay the bills. Now, I could theoretically do this if all my bills were paid and then I didn%26#039;t accumulate any new bills or at least beyond basic need bills. But I%26#039;ve always got to go %26#039;buy%26#039; something or have something. I wish I didn%26#039;t require that.

Do u agree that love is blind?

i believe that it can be, when in love you can ignore all the faults of the person you love. You care about them enough to call it love, then yes, most of the time it is.
Do u agree that love is blind?
Oh yeah, so that%26#039;s why you got to be patient, let the person come. Your not going to know who that person is, until you feel it, and you know when that persons your right one. So yeah. =]
Do u agree that love is blind?
Yes, usually when you are in love, you don%26#039;t like to look at people%26#039;s flaws, so you are blind to them.
Reply:Only to those that pursue it, then quit, then pursue, then quit, and keep pursuing. When these people think they%26#039;ve found it they marry and divorce within years, sometimes months because they were in a hurry and didn%26#039;t take the time to really get to know one another. Don%26#039;t go looking for it. I didn%26#039;t and I%26#039;ve been very happily married for 13 years. I knew my wife 3 years before we were married. She loves me for my flaws and who I am. Not because of a false front that someone before me would have put up.
Reply:Yes, I do.

I loved a boy who was an egotistical jerk and an! He wasn%26#039;t amazingly good looking, he wasn%26#039;t nice and he was extremely shallow and I hated him but how can you sway the human heart?

Just walking down the hallway next to him my heart would beat in my ears. I hated him in my mind, but my heart loved him anyways.

My heart was blind to his shrewdness.
Reply:Nope, I don%26#039;t believe that love is blind. Even if inlove, we can still see flaws of our partners and the relationship itself. A heart truly in love can accept even the worst in the person. Thats basically why many say love is blind. But the truth is love sees but it accepts and forgives.
Reply:Yes, It is the other meaning of unconditional love..

True Love is blind or unconditional.

How do I get what I want?

I want my boyfriend to propose. I want more money. I want to be with my sister. I want to be in better shape. How do I get what I want, and how am I supposed to be happy until I do? What if I never do??
How do I get what I want?
Set goals for yourself and work to achieve them. Enjoy the scenery along the way.
How do I get what I want?
boyfriend wait till he ask, more money work more, move to where your sister is, and go to the gym. wow! now that was really hard to figure out
Reply:if ur really in a crisis, get a therapist.
Reply:visualize, dream and believe, then work hard to acheive your goals
Reply:Goodness you sound a lot like me.. Well first I would say you need to be determined and willing to work hard to get what you want, and it sounds like you are. Second you really need to make sure that those things are things you really want. Next it%26#039;s time to come up with a plan. Write your goals down, and ways to get closer to accomplishing them, and also things that are stopping you, or hindering you. It will take time, you have a lot of things you want to work on, ( and men are clueless, lol ) you can%26#039;t force him to propose, but there are things you can do to encourage him. I%26#039;m not sure about your job situation, but do you need more hours, a better paying job, a part time job? Getting in better shape -- take it slow. make a few small changes at a time., walk a bit more, cut out a few unhealthy foods. About not being happy if you don%26#039;t get all of those things: Sometimes not everything goes the way you plan. Or the way you wanted it to be turns out to be worse than you expected. In the meantime, you have to take what you have, and work on being happy with yourself now, not just once all of those things are accomplished... try meditation, or deep breathing, think of happier times, etc.... Good luck!
Reply:Set goals. It doesn%26#039;t matter how long they take. Reach you%26#039;re goals, and feel pride. Thats the only way.
Reply:Do you know how to eat up an elephant? Right, piece by piece. This is just your situation, as I see it. :)

Your goals are very logical and understandable. More money means more work (or another field of work, or your own business). Ask your sister to help you with your business, and you%26#039;ll be together. While you work more, you stay more active and thus get your better shape (actually, you just don%26#039;t have time for another piece of delicious cake and another hour on the sofa). While you work more, you meet more interesting people, including men. Your eyes shine brighter, and your self-esteem goes higher. The more you communicate, the more your boyfriend sees how beautiful and popular you are. Now he%26#039;s really afraid to lose you. He sees positive changes in you, and NOW it%26#039;s your time to give him a hint.

Honestly, life%26#039;s too short to be unhappy. Simple thought but it%26#039;s true. Look at yourself in the mirror every morning, smile and say something good to yourself. It%26#039;s a must! Be kind to yourself and go for your dreams. Your boyfriend (to be husband) will certainly follow you. And your sister will be by your side. Good luck! :)
Reply:true happiness does not come from money for starters. and all i have to say to the rest is stop asking questions on yahoo and really ponder what you can do to get what will really make you happy.. work out and eat right if you wanna be in better shape. take initiative if you want to acquire true happiness.. it doesn%26#039;t just come to people that want it. it takes work.. plus it%26#039;s more rewarding in the end anyways. and if you%26#039;re never happy or never get what you want, you%26#039;re either looking in the wrong places or you%26#039;re not working hard enough.
Reply:you will never be truly happy, if what makes you happy is things you do not have. everything you listed is things you want, not things you need. its ok to want things, but thinking your not gonna be happy until you see your sister, get in better shape, have boyfriend propose, ect. already puts the idea (or thought) in your head. before every emotion you have there is a thought before the emotion, you think a movie your going to is gonna suck - you%26#039;ll find a reason for it to suck. you decide where ever you are if your gonna be happy or not. life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. if you make it a habit to try and be happy and positive all the time, (now i realize we cant be in happy go lucky all the time) and things like getting in shape and money, if you make in effort to exercise to get in shape and do you things that make you feel better about yourself, more money may not seem as important.
Reply:Try prayer.

John 3:16
Reply:Well put Natalya!

I 100% agree. Especially the part where, the more you work, the more you%26#039;ll meet more interesting people, including men. And your self esteem will go through the roof. I think Brian will eventually see this and be afraid to lose you.

Life is too short to be unhappy.

You need to write your goals down on paper, so you dont lose sight, and get lost, then 3 years from now wind up asking yourself this same question.

By hiring the personal trainer, you%26#039;ve already taken that step to become in better shape. So you can check that one off the list. Now, getting your boyfriend to propose and being with your sister aka.. me.. :) - well, again.. you must do what makes you happy.. so in the end it%26#039;s going to come down to choosing or waiting a long time. Whether that long wait will be for him to propose or for me to move to TX when the girls are older.. or for you to realize he doesnt plan on marrying you and for you then to move here to be closer to me and your two neices.. well all of this is up in the air.

Ultimately, you are the one who determines when and how you will get what you want, whatever that ends up being.

I will say this though, if the thought, %26quot; What if I never do?%26quot; lingers in your mind, it%26#039;s going to be very difficult to be happy, period. Theres no way you can be optimistic and work towards achieving a goal all while having that negative thought in your mind of %26quot;what if I never do?%26quot; That will amost guarantee failure.

I would just take it one day at a time. Continue working towards getting in shape, that is, by far, the easiest to conquer. Try to remain positive. hang out with friends, go to the beach more.. just do what makes you happy. Everything will fall in place in the end. And if it doesn%26#039;t, well.. your an intelligent, beautiful, %26#039;quirky and interesting%26#039; woman with a good head on your shoulders, great job, and any guy out there would be lucky to have you, you just have to remind yourself of that, the next time you doubt yourself. Stop worrying so much! Love ya if God created everything...?

Who created God? He couldn%26#039;t have just shown up. if God created everything...?
By your initial statement it would seem God created himself. He is apart of everything. if God created everything...?
%26quot;God did not create man. but ancient man who created God.%26quot; -- Carl Sagan.
Reply:In my philosophy, God = Love. Love is all there is, when ya get right down to it.

%26quot;In the beginning, Love created%26quot;....seems to read much better to my ears than %26quot; In the beginning, God created...%26quot;
Reply:God was always there, he had no begining
Reply:God is imaginary.
Reply:god isnt created. He%26#039;s a spirit, he doesnt just show up, and he isnt constrained by the laws of physics or time or anything. noone created god.
Reply:Good thinking, that should help you to figure out that GOD as taught in the Bible and everything in it is a Fairy Tale
Reply:actually he did, but you being a created being can%26#039;t comprehend the phenomena of always existing. but you are just trying to disprove that God exists.
Reply:By that logic, in order for something to come out you need a creator, and that also needs a creator and again that also need a creator...

So really is there ever starting point in your logic?

What is the difference between your logic and god being eternal?

This is faulty logic, and you answered your own question.

Infinity concept negates the starting point, its our brain that is %26quot;programmed%26quot; to think there IS a starting point.
Reply:I some what accept the christian faith but believe that the bible is open for interpretation. If there was a big bang there was probably a huge mass of energy created and we all know that if energy was created that anything is possible. Cells and molecules of all types can form things even life. If the energy force was strong enough (which the big bang could have created a energy force large enough for sure) than a god could have been created. If there was not a big bang then outer space or space could have already existed, and if so then we know that space has many types of energy of all sorts of magnitude and this means that molecules could have formed a superior being. We all are made of energy as well as earth, and all other features in space and earth.

For example if you place molecules or cells from a heart on a piece of paper in the the shape of a heart and duplicate this process to model a 3d heart then the heart will function and even beat as a real heart and the same as any other organ.

Wierd Huh

So what I am trying to say is that somewhere and sometime energy and I mean large lumps of it merged together and formed a powerful force.

If you think about it it is crazy to not believe in a god because us and our universe and earth is to perfect. We have organs, we have insects to reduce the trash and decaying matter on the earth, and look at how perfectly constructed we all are and even our enviorment. This is not all just created by chance


I think you are right

Larry G

In the bible it says the same thing that Jesus could not explain the god because people could not understand especially the peo;e on this earth

it%26#039;s some complex ****

I also want to add this statement

strange, huh?

it turns out all the constants are balanced. increase the nuclear force in an atom, and stars would blow up seconds after forming. make the force too weak, and their cores would collapse. it would seem the universe is tuned to have support life and reality!

there are 2 explanations for this:

a. something, or someone, made it that way

b. nature just tried everything, and this is the one universe that %26quot;stuck%26quot;
Reply:Why couldnt God have just showed up? Why couldnt God have always existed? Why couldnt God have simply created himself?

According to the atheist, that is precisely what the universe did.

The universe either %26quot;always existed%26quot; or it %26quot;Big Banged into existence when non-existent dark matter caused a disequilibrium in nothingness.%26quot; Yeah... the atheistic point of view is equally ridiculous.

If atheism is the answer, then causality rules... But, if theism is the answer, that I can at least accept with a little faith. God answers more questions than science does. The same questions exist, the same inconsistencies and logical fallacies exist... but God has the virtue of being accepted and atheism has the failing of being self-reasoned invalid.

God created science and physics... yes... but he also created logic. Try not to use logic and ideas about causality to reason God... it doesnt work because he supersedes and transcends those things. He is no more bound by logic than he is by gravity.. they are both his concepts.

Because of that, no logical argument can disprove God. Secondly, all logical arguments need premise... and no premise can be assumed true if it itself cant be reasoned or proven. Therefore, no premise can be used as a basis for a logical argument proving or disproving the existence of he who created the premises in the first place. In other words, if God is the source of all truths, how do you prove God without having something that pre-existed him as a basis? The concept that logic even applies to theological arguments is a fallacy


Thanks Bobhilly for at least reading my work... although you gravely miscomprehended it. If you dont understand the point I was making, you have no business arguing against it.

Thanks, also, for rebutting my argument with emotion and %26quot;distasteful%26quot; feelings. Attacking the person or your distaste for the conclusion is not a means for refuting an argument. For example, I could point out that you misspelled %26quot;college%26quot;... but you are just too smart for me. I wish I had your %26quot;edumination.%26quot; But, hey, at least you are not biased, right? I sure wont use your poor English as the sole basis of rejecting your point... but I do ask for a little more than emotional heat.

Of course you never saw God in high school. That is because narrow minded anti-theistic bigots refuse to allow an unbiased formal education of theology in the public education system, even though it is just one more social science... and why so many children remain ignorant and grow up with their own ignorances and prejudices against religion. Good on you atheists for promoting ignorance and bitter hatred. Why is it that unproven, unprovable atheistic creation mythology is taught... while an equally unprovable theistic creation dogma is not permitted?

Yes, God is an answer... a faith-based answer to the fundamental questions of existence and its causes. Atheism says that everything has a scientific cause... but either the universe always existed (thereby the only exception to the rule), or it came into existence via a cause - a cause which itself has no cause. You dont see how science fails us in this regard?

My entire philosophy here is formed around the realization that logic itself is a construct either created by man or created by God... as everything had to be created by God. Its a natural extension of that basic hypothesis / presumption. There is no reason to believe that logic is the only inherent truth that even God is subject to, preexisting and dominating over God. Furthermore, assuming our basic concepts of logic are not applicable to God answers a lot of paradoxical questions.

Its not an unreasonable hypothesis. Quantum logic is a proven fact, and yet it violates all intuitive and instinctive and literal rules about logic. Its an entirely new form of logic. This proves that logic is not universal, constant, objective from all perspectives.

Seriously... if you disagree why dont you make an argument. An intelligent one.


Im sorry you see it as a contradiction. It seems perfectly reasonable to me... look, you cant even formulate a counter-argument. Either you are that unintelligent that you falsely see it as a contradiction... or youre that bigoted that you insist on seeing it as such. Get over your bias and think outside the box.

Consider that your hateful bigotry against religious claims is your basis for rejecting my argument... that you are only offended by the implications.
Reply:God is eternal.. meaning he lives forever in either direction you go.. According to our human, meaning not Heavenly, or eternal, laws of physics and science, we cannot create or destroy matter.. However, the theories we have developed and even proven, do not apply to God. The knowledge we have on Earth is not equivalent to that of God. We only are able to understand so much in this life on Earth, being humans, and not gods.
Reply:In dealing with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God, one is dealing with God as Transcendent, Eternal Being.

By definition, God is Eternal, Self-Existent.

In light of physics and logic, this is actually more likely than something coming of absolutely nothing.

Some fun books about God and Soul-realization/salvation:

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis; novella.

%26quot;The Path of the Higher Self,%26quot; Mark Prophet.

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck.

%26quot;The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?%26quot;, Free and Wilcock,

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves.

%26quot;Men in White Apparel,%26quot; Ann Ree Colton.

%26quot;Extraordinary Knowing,%26quot; Dr. Elizabeth Mayer.
Reply:Whelp, God just kinda %26quot;is%26quot;

We, as human beings cannot even being to fathom the concept of eternity that envelopes God.

It is like trying to teach a dog Algebra, or trying to think of a completely new color. You cannot do it.
Reply:Me... I got bored =/

but no really for all we know the big bang made him?
Reply:Only God knows.

What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?

I am a half blind U.S. citizen and I am going to college for computer programming. The problem is that I am very limited on what I can do. I have done community service but it is not enough. I can%26#039;t drive so being a missionary is out of the question, I am broke so I can%26#039;t help the homeless, I just cannot find any one to help. I love life and really want to make a difference. such as stopping the rapes and murders of innocent people in africa and starving of innocent people around the world. This is driving me crazy and I want to help What can I Do

What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?
i like your goal but i don%26#039;t like your outlook. be more positive and do at least one random act of kindness a day. and you%26#039;ll make a difference might not be a gigantic one but a positive difference nonetheless.
What can I possibally do to make a difference in the world?
Run for political office.
Reply:Perhaps not the whole world but definitely your corner of it.
Reply:join the peace cor
Reply:to quote Evan change the world by one act of random kindness at a time. Do little things to brighten other peoples day and they will go on to do things to uplift others and so forth.

The more you work to improve the world and people around you, the more opportunities you will get to do the greater things.
Reply:i appreciate that you want to help people.. however, if you%26#039;re going to make excuses for every situation, i gotta ask if your heart is really in it. you don%26#039;t have to do something grand to help people. you may have big goals, but you gotta go through the little ones before you can reach them. you can help some old lady walk across the street or with her groceries, or you can even comfort a friend. you can make a difference in someone%26#039;s life without having to go big. believe me, i wish for the same things you do. it%26#039;s not something that%26#039;s going to happen over night.. even if you were limitless.
Reply:You can write..... the pen is mightier than the sword....

Practice random acts of kindess...The ripples of one kind word or deed have an untold positive effect on humanity...The words you speak have a huge impact, even if its something as simple as a %26quot;hello%26quot; and a smile.You may make the day of someone who has less than you do.

You want to help? Volunteer. There is a great need for each and every one of us to make a difference, however small it might seem to us.
Reply:Well you are going to college. Computer programming is a good field, and you will be able to make good money, I imagine. Then you would be able to make significant contributions to organizations like UNICEF, FFL, and Kiva. You could also get a job working for some such non-profit. They all need people with computer skills, I%26#039;m sure.

So I think the future looks bright for you. If you are looking for something you can do now, I%26#039;m sure you could find something. Perhaps you could cut back a little bit to make small monthly donations to aid groups? Even small donations help. Also, perhaps you could research the products you buy and their impact on the world? This you could probably do over the internet. Do the clothes you buy contribute to exploitation of the poor, or do they help the economies of poor nations? Can you cut back on your meat consumption out of concern for the world food supply? Do you use florescent bulbs? Is the shampoo you use tested on animals? Of course these might seem like small steps in the big scheme of things, but they can still be empowering to take, especially if you aren%26#039;t able to go much further. As an Ammerican, your biggest impact on the world is likely through what you consume, so that can be the best place to start helping others.

You also might consider looking in to overseas volunteer work for people with impaired vision. I%26#039;m sure opportunities exist. If the mission work you have in mind requires you to drive, try finding other work (mission or not) which you can do. Teaching english in a developing country would be a good option.

Finally, you should look in to the online opportunities that are available. You won%26#039;t be able to stop rapes, but gives you a chance to feed the hungry and improve your vocabulary. A lot of groups like UNICEF have options for online activism. There you can do things like send letters to legislators to get them to increase aid, connect with others, hold fundraisers, etc. I greatly admire your desire to help others and wish you the best of luck!
Reply:Smile. It is infectious. Kindness and a warm smile are simple gestures that can make someone%26#039;s day better. You may not go down in history as a great humanitarian, but you will be remembered as a kind and caring soul.
Reply:Watch Pay It Forward. Maybe then you%26#039;ll get an idea! Good Luck!!

Was falloff in quality unavoidable for Collins computerization effort ?

Someone would have made a contract amendment so as to %26quot;add value%26quot; by introducing a %26quot;simulate mode%26quot;.

Problem with a %26quot;simulate mode%26quot; is how can you then test the system. The whole point of testing by simulation is that the system cannot detect if %26quot;testing by simulation%26quot; is occurring and will behave as in real operation.
Was falloff in quality unavoidable for Collins computerization effort ?
Well, sweetheart, it seems to me that quality would decrease if during the testing period something was being skewed. What would be the point in doing the simulation? Don%26#039;t you want a true picture of what%26#039;s happening? Sounds like washing the dishes with rubber gloves on your hands. You can%26#039;t really feel what%26#039;s going on underneath the suds :-) Doesn%26#039;t make any sense to do it that way, does it?
Was falloff in quality unavoidable for Collins computerization effort ?
A weakening in qualtitive argument, presentation or production is a failure and inability to sustain a given premise or success. Simulate modes are invariably mimicry of the original product without the underlying driving will or objective. It can be discerned that many tae upon the virtues and characteristics of the original design factor simply by subconscious assimilation.

This obviates the overzealous desire for plagiarists to mimic or emulate simply to acquire the privileges without actuating the material or objectivity. Behavioural patterns under observation, stress or ardour vary accordingly. Scientific facts or revelations can only be considered valid if all these determining factors are accorded due consideration and eliminated from the possibility of inconclusive or imprecise deduction.

The Collins project has undergone a release into its given repute and performs with equal propriety under all circumstances and temptive seductants whilst proven in its superior ability in this gaming realm. This is the reason for its durability under self destructive and oppressive regimes.

Life change?

Anyone have advice on how to make a decision about your life path? I am torn between what I love to do and what will keep me secure. The career I would love takes A LOT of time, money, stamina, perserverence to get, and even then it is a crapshoot. The secure path would help pay bills, afford me flexiblity, and please my family. I usually follow what my heart tells me; but right now that bugger has been super quiet! Help me decide HOW to choose if you can, not really WHAT to choose. Thank you. :)
Life change?
I feel the same way. Just look at it like you only have so long to live so why not do what you love
Life change?
Do the one t hat will make you secure and save up money and then do the one you love...That%26#039;s what I%26#039;m doing :D

Good luck and have a wonderful day

Reply:Whatever path you choose in life, never forget where they all end.
Reply:Plan your life in decades. Just because you are focusing on on thing now, such as getting some financial security, doesn%26#039;t mean that in another decade you couldn%26#039;t pursue your dreams. maybe there is some way to work on your dreams long term while being able to pay your own bills and be independent.
Reply:ask yourself this... in the end which would make you happier? something you love to do that takes work but will be rewarding thru your perseverance, or something that you don%26#039;t have a passion for and it%26#039;s just ok, but it pays the bills.. personally, i would go with what i%26#039;m passionate about, cause at least i would always love what i do. good luck, dude..
Reply:that kind of happens to me too. i suggest you take a step back and think of not only yoursef first but other people as well. since it looks like you already have a family of your own and need to support them. im trying not to tell you to choose here but if you can financially support yourself and ur family with the job youre less interested in, you can also use the money to maybe finance your further studies in what you love doing etc. only then, when youre financially stable you can choose a different career path and do what you like.
Reply:Choose what would put your life forward by making you happy. Make the rational choice with your own self interest in mind. Even if one takes more of work to do, you will be a better person because of it; you%26#039;ll feel pride.
Reply:You need to assess the entire situation and think of what would make you happiest and what would possibly have the most benefits in the end. You must also weigh the consequences of each action. It is like balancing pros and cons, the one with the balance you like is the one you should choose. Good luck!
Reply:Talk to your family and let them know your dilemma. You do have to take some financial responsibility for your family. If what you love to do could someday (in the not too distant future) help pay more of the bills, your family may be able to sacrifice here and there to support you so you can do what you love. You family would need to understand that it won%26#039;t happen overnight. You should agree on a time frame before you make up your mind. Good luck, tough position.
Reply:I can totally relate to how you feel. I majored in art (painting) in school because it was my true passion, but it turns out that it is an extremely tough field to break into-after a lot of time-money-persistence-etc. It didn%26#039;t seem like a big deal until I got married and had real financial responsibilities. Its taken me a long time to find a balance. I guess if you%26#039;re willing to put in all the effort to follow your dream AND make it pay bills, then that%26#039;s awesome. But if you%26#039;re like me and couldn%26#039;t quite do that, then I suggest what I did...After much searching, I found a job that I really do enjoy and I keep my art as a hobby. I%26#039;ve found that I can still make time for it and enjoy it and I can actually still pursue it as a career at my own slow pace while not worrying about the bills being paid.
Reply:Generally, for big decisions like this, it is best to do what you really want to. It might cost you nothing to go with what others want for minor decisions, but for major ones like this, you may have to live with the result of your choice your whole life. If you choose to go in to a field you really don%26#039;t like, know that there is a good chance you will hate your job and be miserable, no matter how much you make or how pleased your family is. Of course, if the lucrative field your family wants is not very different from your passion, perhaps going with the more lucrative field would be best, as you would be somewhat happy and may even find a creative way to apply your passion to your job.

Hopefully this isn%26#039;t a decision which you must make soon and which will not be reversible. The only person who can make the decision is you, and you will need a lot of time to think. There is a number of tricks people come up with for making hard decisions. What I have found to be the most helpful is to speak with absolutely everybody you can about this, particularly anybody who might have an expert opinion. Find out as much as you can. Maybe the job your family wants isn%26#039;t so bad; maybe the job you love can lead to a related field which pays more. Getting other viewpoints may also help you to see something which you missed because you were too close to the issue.

Could a simple statement save the world?

What would it be?

Theres a couple lines from the Angels %26amp; Airwaves song %26#039;Secret Crowds%26#039; which I believe could save the world.

%26#039;Spread love like violence%26#039;...%26#039;Spread hope like fire%26#039;
Could a simple statement save the world?
Jesus Christ the son of God
Could a simple statement save the world?

I%26#039;ve been saying stuff for YEARS and no one has noticed.
Reply:wow thats deep
Reply:i love you.

it saves my world from destruction. :]
Reply:I believe that is fairly naive. The problem is that hatred blinds people so that they cannot reason. Reason alone is powerless because it requires all mankind to reason for it to come true. Some day I believe there will be peace, but it will be through domination, not through peace, or logic.
Reply:A statement could never change the world. It is only love and action that will better the world.

No statement alone has changed the world. Or ever will.
Reply:nope. if it could then the world would be a better place. hardly anybody listened to ghandi when he said %26quot;the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated%26quot;. people listen to what directly interests them.
Reply:no a simple statement could not save the world. Millions of statements have been made. Millions of philosophies have been worked through. If we can%26#039;t even distinguish our own right and wrongs, truths and falsehoods among ourselves, then no statement can be made which would allow agreement between all.
Reply:launch the missile in time to divert the comet from hitting the earth.
Reply:If there is such a statement, you ain%26#039;t gonna find it in this forum.
Reply:John Lennon tried with %26quot;make love not war%26quot;

didnt work then.. sorry.. wont work now

I am a huge U2 fan and they had excellent/ simple statements too ,

so did Sting, and loads of others..

sadly the people in charge dont care

if you really want a cool song.. try

Jarvis Cocker%26#039;s %26quot;Running the World%26quot;

it pretty much explains things...
Reply:No, As long as we still have free will, there will be someone to ignore the state ment, and truly evil filled people, those used by saten
Reply:%26quot;set off every atom bomb%26quot; if we destroy everything the world would grow back and it would be saved from humanity but really who cares about the world when youc an care about your own hide...
Reply:the problem is no one listens....
Reply:I get silly when I read this..I would think more like..

A quadrillion dollars.... for all the sick and poor!

That will save more many it seems..

A realistic way for hope..

If a billionaire has a heart of a God!!

It will not only save the world, It will save lives.
Reply:Words are nothing without someone to hear them.
Reply:%26quot;Dont Worry, Be Happy%26quot;

In order to hate, one must first love. Do you believe in it?

In english class, I was thinking about this idea.

The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, and the absence of caring.

If one dies, and you do not care, it is indifference.

If one dies, and you care, whether it is remorse or relief, it is love or hate.
In order to hate, one must first love. Do you believe in it?
i just hate obama
In order to hate, one must first love. Do you believe in it?
kinda guess so, can you please help me with my question now, please thnx
Reply:ask anyone married or divorced.
Reply:hmm..well i think in order to love u must hate. if u cant handle someone when u hate them then u dont deserve to love them. yes hate is the absence of caring.
Reply:maybe... maybe NOT
Reply:dear friend only if there is love there can be hatred............but not always
Reply:no, not really, that doesn%26#039;t make sense...
Reply:Or perhaps it is that one must first love in order to hate.
Reply:I think you need to be open minded before you decide on somethings. Actually, the opposite of love is use.
Reply:Yeah I believe that in a way....You have to know a person to hate a person !!
Reply:I don%26#039;t have time for this one....too complicated. I think you either like a person or you don%26#039;t. Whatever.
Reply:I don%26#039;t believe it. I never loved sneezing
Reply:Not necessarily. You can have feelings of hate or bitterness toward someone you previously didn%26#039;t even know because they caused you to lose a loved one...say a drunk driver or other criminal who killed someone you love, or the other woman who broke up a marriage.

I guess there is still love involved, but not exactly in the linear way you explained it.
Reply:I loved my daughter with a passion second to none. She has destroyed an immense part of my heart and did so willfully and with malice. First I hated her. For a long time, I hated her. But you are correct. The hatred has mellowed into indifference and the lack of caring. I know this may sound cruel to many but they do not know my adult daughter.
Reply:Love and hate are different, but what the saying basically means is that you don%26#039;t know the real meaning of hate until you have loved. To put it into better terms, if people were to know people better, then they wouldn%26#039;t hate each other that easily. So if you start to hate someone, but you 2 start to talk and get to know each other, you most likely won%26#039;t hate them any more, or if you do, just not as much.
Reply:I don%26#039;t agree with it. It could very well be reversed which would make one or the other not saying you can%26#039;t love until knowing hate. Its an emotion. You don%26#039;t have to know contentment to know frustration or anger. You can know hate for having never loved. It%26#039;s complicated I guess, but it is determined more by a person%26#039;s surroundings and environment more than based on emotions they may or may not have experienced. It would make a good saying for some things though.
Reply:I do not believe it. Try pondering this: If you must love to hate, imagine, a kid you just met, he killed your family, you hate him right? You couldn%26#039;t have had time to love him, but you do hate him
Reply:First off lawl to that hate lol

Second if you never love then how do you know if you hate being you dont have anything to compare it to? granted they are polar oppsite and their is some middle ground but people need to know the strongest feelings to really understand what love or hate really are. To me love is careing about the well being to a very high point and hate is careing that something is not being well so to me both are forms of careing.
Reply:no not always the case, but it is sometimes
Reply:I agree that the opposite of love is apathy/indifference.

I think it is also possible to hate others for behaviours that you find loathsome. You can hate them for a wrong caused to others, or imagined offenses. It is not necessary to love first in order to hate.

I believe that love and hate are both passions and one can follow the other but it is not the only situation where you can find hate.

Good observations by the way. You have the makings of a philosopher.
Reply:There is this co-worker I despised, disliked, hated, whatever, since the moment I stood three feet from it.

It (the person) just gives off this vibe that makes me shudder.

Its like an empty sink hole. I rather cut my arm off then sit down with it, for more than five minutes.

I don%26#039;t want to have anything to do with it. I never get bad vibes from people before I even to talk to them, but this it, well, its like my anti-me, I can just feel it.


but then again, how can we know what love is or feels like if you never hated?

haha...idk man. people can write a whole book on this topic.
Reply:I believe that in order to care if one has died, one must first have felt love or hate towards that person. Literally, one must feel love first before hate, because a baby shall always feel love for their mother before hate for any other reason.
Reply:If you didn%26#039;t ACKNOWLEDGE, their presence in the first place and treat their passing. The same way, doesn%26#039;t that poke holes in your theory ? ? ?
Reply:Well, a child%26#039;s first response to the world, after being inside a warm womb, then being SQUEEZED out the birth canal into a cold, metallic, stinging world, might possibly be hate.

Then the child feels the warm sensations of mother and father%26#039;s touch and they satisfy his pangs of hunger with breast milk---so the next emotion he learns is love.

So to answer your question from the natural world----I would have to say love and hate are opposites.

My personal opinion would be caring and indifference or opposites.

If you see a homeless person on the street, you will either care, and try to offer some sort of help, or feel indifference, by walking away or stepping over him.

If someone loses a loved one they feel intense feelings of grief, pain, unbearable loss, but they still love.

If you are at a funeral and you don%26#039;t care about the person that died, you might feel indifference. You would have to have very strong feelings of hate in order for you to derive pleasure from this person%26#039;s loss of life.

Just my opinion.
Reply:to know love lost, one must first love. in order to hate you must first have a thought that you want to hate, remember hate is a emotion, hate means something different to everyone, as everyone emotions are different.

%26quot;If one dies, and you care, whether it is remorse or relief, it is love or hate.%26quot; if one dies, and you care that would be sadness, a sense of loss, maybe hurt or even mad. but not remorse, that%26#039;s like you feel bad for something you did. sure you could feel relief if a loved one dies, if they were in pain and the end of there life was difficult we never like to see are loved ones suffer. but to answer the question, no you do not need to love to hate.

Hate is not the opposite of love. It is an entirely separate and distinct emotion.

It is possible to have a love/hate relationship with someone, or be completely ambivalent, meaning you neither love or hate.

What is the worst thing to ever happen to you?

give details.
What is the worst thing to ever happen to you?
I got stuck trying to crawl through a 16 inch culvert under a road. I got about half way through it and got stuck and couldn%26#039;t go forward or back. I had spiders all over me, but couldn%26#039;t reach my arms back enough to get them off me. It was something less than wonderful to say the least.

After I went into a total panic and tried to lift the whole highway, and skinned up my elbows and knees I finally collapsed in exhaustion. Eventually I gathered my senses about me and began pushing myself back out the way I came in, by using my palms in the mud and rocks.

However, if something terrible happened to my wife or children it would be worse than the culvert episode. So I am fortunate.
What is the worst thing to ever happen to you?
To live a life that pain weighs more.

From a horrible deception.
Reply:I had a terrible boss and I was unable to do anything about it for the fear of losing the job and not finding another well paying jot at the time. He would single you out and humiliate you in the presence of other employees. Others would maintain distance from you and your life would be a living hell. I%26#039;m a successful person now but even after a couple of decades, I still get mad just thinking about it. If I ever see that person and no one is watching, I would beat the crap out of that sob.
Reply:I wake up, eat my breakfast, drink my coffee and then I make the biggest mistake.

I READ THE NEWSPAPER and see who is invading who, how much the oil price has increased, see how the Stock market has skyrocketed in any sector but the one I am involved with and my Shares have bottomed out.

I see what has happened to the housing market, what%26#039;s going in the Export and Trade Import vrs Manufacturing and Mine Export Quarters and Finally. The big one to be concerned about. Is, how the Dollar Exchange Rate, has fluctuated.

Then, I go to work and do battle 2.5hrs in the Traffic, just to have an argument with my secretary about what I%26#039;ll have for Lunch-Salt and cholesterol intake vrs heart disease.

Reply:My son had an asthma attack and couldn%26#039;t breath. This incident was an eye opener to all of the painful and terrifying things in life that could happen--------not that every day is a bad day-----but it%26#039;s the idea of it that is just so horrible.

Makes me want to dig a hole and pull it in after me!

Let's see what the non-religious crowd thinks: Does it contradict?

I can%26#039;t seem to get a sensible answer out of these Christians, so...
Let%26#039;s see what the non-religious crowd thinks: Does it contradict?
There are plenty of contradictions in the Christian religion.

You found one, but there is more to it, than what you have written.

Did you know that the Christian Bible was also the Jewish Bible.

In Judaism they have a word for death called Sheol.

It is a type of hell, but instead just an emptiness. King David often referred to it in his poetry.

The Christians just kind of over look that place though, because of Jesus. With Jesus they are saved from both Hell and Sheol. With out Jesus you are left with two of life%26#039;s greatest fears, hell, and death.

Hard to contradict some who are attached to a solution to those fears, don%26#039;t you agree?
Let%26#039;s see what the non-religious crowd thinks: Does it contradict?
I think death in this case is like the grim reaper as opposed to the whole concept of %26quot;death%26quot;, but i%26#039;m no defender of the bible.
Reply:Thing written in the bible is not the truth nor historical facts.

It is people%26#039;s perception of the truth.

Everyone have their own perception of the truth. When these perceptions are combine into a book. It will be full of contradictions.

You don%26#039;t take everything in the bible word for word. You must use some common sense to to do some filtering and processing of the informations and develop your own interpretation.

That King James Bible you discuss was the result

of a string of translations, the last one intentionally

loose, (they used the simplest words for general

understanding, probably at the cost of fine distinctions).

Taking it literally is as silly as quibbling over fine


The Other Side?

Hi my question is have any of u ever died and then bin resuscitated or had a near death experience if so did u see the other side if u did what was it like? I find that I have bin thinking about life and death alot lately and have bin asking my self the big question, what happens after u die i%26#039;m really curios to know.
The Other Side?
NDE%26#039;s (near-death experience) are simple responses of the brain to lack of oxygen and can be duplicated easily.

There is nothing after death. Go look at road-kill to see what happens after death, rotting happens
The Other Side?
I would consider this a very personal question. Yes, I have died. My heart stopped for for a minute to up to 90 seconds. During that time my brain was not not oxygenated. My organs were not dead. But I was clinically dead before revival, with the heart starting again. Thus I am only allowed to call it a near death experience. Sometimes, we see and experience what we expect, through our religious beliefs, and our dying brain plays tricks on us. I recall very clearly all the details of the journey through an infinite void, and meeting God, who was a great, soft white ball of comforting, not blinding light and I asked him if I could come back, since my body was not damaged, it is only a heart condition which I still have. There was about a minute of dialogue, and God asked me not in his voice, but through my own thoughts, why I felt I deserved more life, and he reminded me that I had eternal life waiting for me if I gave in, with no more pain and suffering. But I chose the hard road, for my young child, and elected to come back. God acknowledged that, and that it was my decision, granting the wish, and sent me back in an instant, quicker than the speed of light, to my body, on the bed, as it was.

A written lecture by Mr. Bennett regarding Subud?

A written lecture by Mr. Bennett regarding Subud?

I work in a small Baptist church. I was cleaning out an old desk and I came across a typed out (from a typerwritter) speach/lecture from April 19, 1958 given by Mr. Bennett.

It is an Introductory speach about Subud.

What I am wondering is... Im not sure what to do with it. Do I keep it? Do I put it on ebay? Do I give it to the Subud community???

Is it even valuable?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
A written lecture by Mr. Bennett regarding Subud?
Mr. Bennett apparently wrote a book about Subud that is still read. I suggest you contact a manuscript appraiser.
A written lecture by Mr. Bennett regarding Subud?
It is valuable in several respects. John G. Bennett was a highly regarded English writer, seeker, and practitioner (%26quot;Long Pilgrimage%26quot; is one of his more fascinating works, in which he biographies a man who, according to official State records, lived to be over 120 years, who walked around the globe ages 50-85, and whom he met).

Keeping it is noble, as JGB gave information about Subud, which was/is an extraordinary %26quot;opening%26quot; to Presence. is their official website.

In a sense, Saint John the Baptist%26#039;s baptism unto repentance for all interested Gentiles, and Jews, is a type of %26quot;opening%26quot; via repentance, for %26quot;this Mind which was also in Christ Jesus.%26quot;

In that sense, JGB%26#039;s document is theologically correlatable with Saint John the Baptist%26#039;s Divine dispensation, and with Islam%26#039;s One God ritual (right-u-all), etc. In that wise, Subud is a Baptism of Light, al Nur, of Presence.

The Subud community would likely have distribution copies similar to your manuscript. Hence, while you could contact them directly, it is likely that either your church would benefit by retaining the document, or perhaps a Baptist seminary would be willing to catalog and archive it. Those would be my two suggestions (assuming it is not new to

Ebay is a good third idea, if it brings a pretty penny, but if the bidding is comparatively low, a receptive Baptist theological college would probably be more worthwhile.

God bless you (for caring)!

What is the Hindu rationale for having different paths or yogas to the goal of moksha?

Explain the Hindu rationale for having different paths or yogas to the goal of moksha
What is the Hindu rationale for having different paths or yogas to the goal of moksha?
Hinduism began developing many centuries prior to Roman Catholicism--which has Saints.

For Hindus, Saints express aspects of Brahman, Deity. Hence, one prays to higher-powered Saints.

Secondly, again similar to Roman Catholicism, Hindu Saints/Gods/Goddesses express individualized aspects of Being.

Thus, Mother Mary is more Loving, Motherly, Child-nourishing, Saint Joseph is more Manly, Fatherly, Child-protecting, Saint Francis of Assisi is more Sun-saluting....A %26quot;maturing%26quot; of such %26quot;expressions of Saintly Being%26quot; occurred in Hinduism. Hence, Babaji represents Kriya Yoga, Sri Ramakrishna represents Bhakti/Jnana (the latter according to Swami Vivekananda, his major disciple), Sri Yukteswar jnana yoga, Paramahansa Yogananda bhakti yoga, Nicholas Roerich Agni yoga, and so on.

Different emphases for different desires and personality profiles is likewise found e.g. in high-symbol Episcopalian ritual (one joke: on occasion, they%26#039;ve been known to send the wine back), melodic Methodism, plain Shaker, meditative Quaker, Mindful Christian Science, and so on.

The fruits of the Spirit are Love, Peace, Joy, Truth, and the like. To re-cognize same, one must %26quot;let this Mind abide with you, which was also with Christ Jesus,%26quot; else how may you %26quot;compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things%26quot;?

Ironically, the greater Truth may be expressed in writings such as:

%26quot;The Great Divorce,%26quot; C. S. Lewis,

%26quot;Testimony of Light,%26quot; Helen Greaves,

%26quot;The Masters and Their Retreats,%26quot; Mark Prophet,

%26quot;Expecting Adam,%26quot; Martha Beck, and

%26quot;Men in White Apparel,%26quot; Ann Ree Colton.
What is the Hindu rationale for having different paths or yogas to the goal of moksha?
There are no different paths. There is only one: Elimination of Ego. There are various names given to the process to achieve this. If one digs deep one finds that there are no differences,

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Science based views say that creationism is wrong, because god says that the world is young..?

Who are they to say that a human year, time even applies to god? People who take things to literally usually get them wrong, and in this case it%26#039;s not just about taking something to literal, its saying that something made by US can apply to the almighty.. Thoughts on this plz. xP
Science based views say that creationism is wrong, because god says that the world is young..?
If God%26#039;s method was evolution, then I don%26#039;t think science has a problem with it.
Science based views say that creationism is wrong, because god says that the world is young..?
Science says creationism is wrong because all evidence points towards evolution and none supports the notion that Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Reply:It should be noted that no where in the Torah, or the Christian Old and New Testament, nor the Holy Qur%26#039;an, nor any other revealed scripture does it actually tell the age of the earth, planets, solar system, galaxies, cosmos, etc. Such is an interpretation made by the unknowing about the unknown which is beyond literalism and is closer to the realm of fantasy being passed off as %26quot;truth%26quot;.

Granted, there are so many inaccuracies as regards to the realities of what exist (such as the sun standing still at noon so that one army could slay more of its enemies, a world wide flood, a boat that could possibly hold at least two of every animal that existed, the earth as the center of the universe, night journeys both on earth to a mosque that did not exist at the time of the journey and into and out of the solar system, the sun setting into a pool of mud, etc., etc., etc. and to name but a few without going into the dead being raised or a god becoming human...) for anyone to take any such writings seriously or even to think that they may actually hold some scientific truths.

Such works are of a religious or possibly spiritual nature and should not be taken literally and are questionable figuratively and metaphorically.

They were written when humankind needed and explanation of what was then not understood and a god or the gods was the simplest answer.
Reply:Creationists are the ones that feel that a relatively young

Earth is the model required to support their theory. Scientists are simply pointing out that the short time line creationists present as part of their theory is inaccurate.

By the way, I%26#039;m only referring to Judeo-Christian based creationism. There are many creationist theories that have no real conflict with science so far, mostly because they have no timelines identified in their dogma, and they are not likely to interpret their creationism as literally as bible-based creationists do.

Unfortunately, for those who base their creationist theories on the bible, that bible does a very good job defining the number of generations (and lifespans) that have passed since %26quot;creation%26quot;. So one runs the danger of invalidating the rest of the bible if they selectively choose to invalidate the time element provided by the same source.
Reply:If the %26quot;human year%26quot; and time do not apply to God, then the 7 Days are only metaphorically true.

What about the fundamentalists who take the 7 Days literally? Are you saying you are a fundamentalist? Because if you are not, you are arguing on the wrong side of the fence.

If you are not a fundamentalist, then science and evolution ought to be comprehensible and acceptable by you.

And if you are a fundamentalist, then you argue against yourself by saying a human year does not apply to God.

In layman's terms please help? I'm too stupid to understand..?

in consideration of the theology of the early christian fathers, expound upon your reasons either for or against the plausibility of reconciling christian doctrine to platonism.
In layman%26#039;s terms please help? I%26#039;m too stupid to understand..?
1) What is platonism?

2) Christianity does not need to be

%26quot;reconciled%26quot; with any other doctrine,

anywhere, anytime.
In layman%26#039;s terms please help? I%26#039;m too stupid to understand..?
Christian doctrine and Platonism expound the best ideal in all aspects of life and are not contradictory - that%26#039;s in a nutshell.
Reply:As the great Bill Clinton depends upon what the definition of %26quot; is %26quot;, is.
Reply:Platonism at least purported to be logically based.

Christianity made no such pretense.
Reply:Not too stupid to seek help and ask intelligent questions....

However, Platonism, including Plotinus%26#039; neoplatonism as a %26quot;footnote%26quot; to Plato, is quite Christian, in this wise:

Plato coined the word %26quot;hypo-thesis%26quot; to mean %26quot;standing under%26quot; Mind, Good. Iff Plato%26#039;s Mind Good is Abraham%26#039;s God, Good, they are identical to the purity with which the Platonist %26quot;stands under%26quot; Mind, a la Saint Paul%26#039;s %26quot;let this Mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.%26quot;

Plotinus%26#039; neoplatonism is %26quot;One Mind Soul%26quot;-individuation. In this Awareness (Plotinus Is One Mind Soul-realized), One Good, i.e. One Mind Soul, is Pure Truth, and error, or energy-veiling, e-veiling, eviling, has no Cause, but is obfuscation or erroneous evil-willing.

Thus, %26quot;reconciliation%26quot; is %26quot;easy%26quot;--iff one defines terms clearly, and tautologically: i.e., Mind = Mind, understanding = letting this Mind be with your which was also in Christ Jesus.

The fruits of %26quot;practicing Platonism%26quot; are what distinguish or unify that practice with Christianity. If Spirit%26#039;s Joy, Peace, and Love are discerned in the Platonist, then, for all practical purposes, that individual is simply a %26quot;member of a different sheepfold,%26quot; of which Jesus stated there were %26quot;many%26quot; for which He cared and tended.

In real life, many Platonists (of the few who are) are not particularly Joyful, Mindful, etc., and, in real life, many so-called Christians are too concerned with types and forms of ritual, and not especially recognizing their Spiritual brethern and sistern across denominational lines, not to mention in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on.

The early Church fathers were especially concerned to develop a canon, exclude or confront e.g. gnostic and other heresies, etc. These concerns relate as well, e.g. %26quot;special knowledge%26quot; and %26quot;Christ as Light%26quot; but not %26quot;in the flesh,%26quot; which can--again, given clear definitions of terms--be related or equated with some %26quot;readings%26quot; or interpretations of e.g. neoplatonism. So, %26quot;As you like it,%26quot; unless you find clear statements and reasoning in e.g. Polycarp and Irenaeus, Valentinus, et al.
Reply:%26quot;Augustine seems to have practically plagiarized Plato. Substitute %26quot;god%26quot; for %26quot;the good%26quot; and %26quot;the divine%26quot; for %26quot;the forms%26quot; and there you have it: Augustine%26#039;s philosophy. He even adopts the technique of argument by analogy from Plato.%26quot;

%26quot;Saint Augustine had an entirely different definition of evil and linked it to the realm of God and obedience to him alone. Evil, to Augustine, was anything which was ignorant of God and his importance (Augustine 35). Augustine鈥檚 God was the epitome of justice and innocence, the only being that was truly free of evil (37).%26quot;

Thus, we have the makings of the Dark Ages, where all men are considered to have evil in them, and other men are charged with the task of making certain that all men %26quot;toed the line%26quot; of the Church%26#039;s dogma. The men who had other ideas went underground or simply kept their mouths closed and became the %26quot;yes men%26quot; of Church dogma. These were the %26quot;Dark Ages%26quot; because the light of reason was not allowed to shine through.

That, however, is not what either Plato or Augustine would have wanted; but it%26#039;s what they got because of the backward epistemology and metaphysics they each used.

%26quot;The attitude which Plato encompassed in his Republic, regarding a higher power, differed greatly from that which St. Augustine so tightly embraced. In Confessions, Augustine attempted to be pure and win the approval of God (Augustine 175).%26quot; ibid

The Church wanted to win the approval of God. Its policy allowed no laymen for over 1000 years, to prevent heresy. Boethius was the last layman before the Dark Ages struck.

It was not until Thomas Aquinas put Aristotle into Christianity, thus banishing Plato (though not forever) that we very slowly came to accept the common sense position that every man could, on his own, know God, a point that Martin Luther made against the infrastructure of dogma.

Plato%26#039;s %26quot;forms%26quot; did not work well in Christianity, contributing directly to the mentality that the Church%26#039;s ends were to be met by any means. That in itself is the most evil of principles, allowing literally anything.

What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?

preferably objects, but i%26#039;ll take anything

thanks! :)
What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?
alot of electronics!

like the macbook air....looks great, but there are problems!

alot of valuable things always seem perfect, but they arent at all! just think of some valuable things! do they seem perfect? good, then you probably have one, because there are very little things that are perfect!
What is something that seems perfect, but in reality is not?
The things you make me realize, that I do not consider anything to be perfect.
Reply:normal: everyone and everything trys to seem perfect but realy isn%26#039;t, so it is normal but if you want an object take food, the Walfhouse clames to have the best hash browns and every one says there perfect but it never is because it can always be better. Or if you shoot a basket in a basket ball and they all say it was a perfect shot, it realy wasn%26#039;t because it could be better.
Reply:There is nothing that is perfect. And I can%26#039;t think of any really objects that seem perfect but isn%26#039;t really because in reality there is nothing that is 100% perfect... in saying that I meant there is always room for improvement. Though an object that comes to mind that a lot of people seem to think is perfect and correct is the bible. The reason I say it isn%26#039;t perfect is because humans, who make mistake and are by no means perfect, have reinterpreted it and rewrote it so many times that there is no way that it can be perfect any more even if at one time it was. This is just my opinion and should be left at that because I don%26#039;t mean to offend anyone by saying this.
Reply:Cake! It looks so yummy, but you take a bite of it and - ugh... Raspberry. YECH!
Reply:Marriage :-D
Reply:The mere thought that something you%26#039;ve seen is perfect is an imperfect thought in itself.Nothing man has ever set eyes upon,let alone created, can be give the title of %26quot;perfect%26quot;.
Reply:Any object that we desire can seem perfect in our eyes... until we posses it. A few examples... A beggar dreams of riches but if he were given an infinite amount of money would he truly be happy?? It is the curse of humanity to desire things, yet once we have the object of our desire we often find it not exactly as we expected.

But if all humanity were given each and every one of the desires then we would be a very unhappy and unsatisfied world. Not too mention that it would be highly conflicting, ie/ a terrorist wants the whole world destroyed but a kind and wonderful person wants the whole world to live in peace.. there we have a major confliction. Love can seem very perfect...

Help me answer this...i don't understand the question..?

expound upon the qualities and ethos of humanism as it existed in ancient greece, and two thousand years later during the renaissance. furthermore, do you believe or not believe that our modern society is still in anyway under the influence of humanism in general? if so in which way(s) do you see this?
Help me answer this...i don%26#039;t understand the question..?
Humanism is essentially %26quot;Man is the measure of all things,%26quot; Protagoras.

Plato calls Protagoras a relativist.

The %26quot;qualities and ethics%26quot; of humanism are thus relativism, human-centric, agnostic (at best), and %26quot;truth is what is true for you.%26quot;

In a sense, we in the U.S. live in a post-Christian and increasingly secular culture, in which the attention is focused outwardly on the material, and, in the fashion of Feuerbach and Marx, man becomes %26quot;his or her own authority, even %26#039;as gods.%26#039;%26quot;

So, regarding your teacher%26#039;s question--if you discern your teacher is a Godly individual, you would tend to answer the question with that qualification or emphasis--God Is, but people are even more turning from God to %26quot;as gods%26quot; materialism. If you discern your teacher is godless, unobservant, a humanist him- or herself, then, depending on your willingness to perceive God in your life, or not, you would again answer in the affirmative.

The ways in which you %26quot;see this trend%26quot; are e.g. the increasing secular or %26quot;as gods%26quot; focus of U.S. society (not to mention Christian-heritage Europe), the autopoietic, transhuman, and AI communities, etc.

A counter-trend is notable in sub-Saharan Africa and in parts of Asia and South America, in terms of Christianization and Islamization. The factor which ties together the two disparate geographic trends is material well-being, driven and empowered by techne: i.e., the more wealth and material control of nature, the more people tend to ignore God--the %26quot;golden calf%26quot; or pleasure principle example. Atheists attribute Godly feelings to infantile, need-driven (%26quot;no atheists in foxholes%26quot;) personalities, while Godly attribute atheism and agnosticism to infantile childishness driving %26quot;as gods%26quot; rebellion against genuine moral authority.

Nb: %26quot;Liberal Fascism,%26quot; Jonah Goldberg, is an example of how %26quot;humanism%26quot; has recently historically empowered both fascistic and socialistic 20th century movements.

What are your rights as a human BEING?

What are your rights, before government, before religion and before social regulations and restrictions? Do you have these rights?
What are your rights as a human BEING?
The only rights a human has are those given to them by society. Without society and these other groups, there are no rights.
What are your rights as a human BEING?
Ver gen said it best. We have abilities to dream, hope and love that are ours without permission. Rights are established by those who surround us and wield power.
Reply:Even if society didn%26#039;t exist, there are basics every decent human deserves.

We should have food, clothing %26amp; a clean, decent place to live, eat, bath %26amp; sleep in.

Even most animals have some kind of standards %26amp; code of conduct.

Therefore, Since humans are a high life form, Within reason, We should show WHY we deserve to be a high life form.
Reply:If you are asking the right of an individual in living in a community inside a independent state or in a state inside a nation having its own independent language, cultural, religious and social rituals,customs and developments that enforce various laws, rules and regulation on the life of an individual right from the birth till death in each and every move in the society which is very large and cannot be expressed in few lines over here! The food we buy, cook and eat, the home we live, the dress we buy and wear, the books we read, the religion and its ritual we follow, the village or town or city we live, the road we walk or drive, the school or college we study, the job we select and work, the business we choose and do, even the arts like music, dance, cinema, TV etc all that of media and associated work etc etc everything comes under social regulations and restrictions and all of them are inter related by social fabric with legal, moral and ethical conditionality woven for individual to accept, follow and practice in the interest of social balance and status for him or her to attain and achieve their aims in life!
Reply:Take everything out of the picture then you are the one who desides what rights you have.
Reply:Every human has the right to hope and dream.Along with the right to be happy,mad,sad,etc.Every human has the right to chose his/her own path.Even if you chose to abide by society%26#039;s rules,that is of your own doing.Evey human has the right to disagree with others.

Reply:the right to not have to suffer
Reply:You have the rights that your position in society allows. If you are wealthy or a leader you can claim more rights than the rest of the population. Although they say that %26quot;all men are born equal%26quot; or %26quot;the law is equal for all%26quot;, that is not applicable for all. With money and influence some can purchase more rights with impunity.
Reply:Rights are a man-made thing, a term created to define what you are entitled to in societal laws. So I guess before laws, you were entitled to everything you wanted, limited only by your reason, common sense, humanity, and morality.

No, I don%26#039;t have all of the %26quot;rights%26quot; that I would want. Endless list, but one example is to travel the world without restriction or being charged with trespass.
Reply:To claim our self.
Reply:To be in tune/connected with everything that exist in harmony, peace, mutuality, complementarity and equality as everything in this world reaches out to the other in giving and through it, it receives!
Reply:I am not sure if there are any unquestionable inalienable rights since different moral platforms lead to different ideas of what is right.

Most people however believe in the idea of live and let live.

If someone does you no harm, there should be no good reason to make their lives miserable, if ways can be found to satisfy your needs or desires without harming others.

Some believe there should be less emphasis on rights and more on responsibilities. If you believe you have a right to a happy healthy life you should feel obliged to make the lives of others healthier and happier.

Often your rights are determined by your environment. For example if the legal system is flawed towards injustice you have the right to use legal loopholes to counter injustice. E.g. if the law allows evil gangs to take the streets them good people should perhaps gang together and take back the streets.


Although I do not necessarily believe we have any rights as such, I would like to see basic human needs requred for basic human dignity provided by the state where possible.

E.g. I would like to see everyperson provided with enough money or resources to have basic health and comfort needs addressed. In a country as rich as Australia or the USA, basic dental, health, food, safety, and shelter should be provided free to all if not otherwise available. Likewise certain duties such as Taxes, Jury service or charity work might be asked in return from the state.

Companies or groups that get rich from the misery of others, (such as drug gangs, arms dealers, and poluting manufacturers) are morally repugnent, and people should be able to demand just compensation for the full affects of negative business practices.
Reply:Our rights from birth are unlienably life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Otherwise known by the 17 and 18th century phrase %26quot;individual sovereignty.%26quot;

To set this in law means every individual gets the same protection to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The signers of the Declaration of Independence did not invent %26quot;unalienable rights,%26quot; so such things were not invented by men. The signers merely recognized that such things existed and were in need of protection, for the good of every individual first, not for the %26quot;common good%26quot; first.

Take care of the individual, and the %26quot;common good%26quot; takes care of itself.
Reply:i don%26#039;t know about rights but responsibilities instead..i have the responsibility to take care of our mother live a good life for the honor all things made by the creator..i have the responsibility also to care for myself and family,to greet the creator each day as it begins,.to live in balance and peace...
Reply:None, Brutus, none.
Reply:I can say **** whenever the **** i want...except on Yahoo Awnsers.
Reply:I have every right but to create disharmony with our planet and place myself above others. No one can ever take these rights away from me, theoretically, but when they are internalized through the Machine in which I exist and struggle to survive off of.